ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2136 | Household food security : Concepts, indicators, measurements - A technical review. | food security household data collection methods sufficiency nutrition livelihood cultural acceptability human rights cost effectiveness risks | Maxwell, Simon |
book |
852 | Household gardening projects in Asia: Past experience and future directions | gardens research policy economic security malnutrition vegetables | Midmore, D.J.; Niñez, V.; Ramesh Ventaraman |
book | avrdc technical bulletin no.19 |
563 | Household reproduction and community requirements: Analysis of the farming system of South Chirumanzu in Central Zimbabwe | household reproduction animal husbandry crop management land use policy livestock policy | Caron, P.; Flach, B. |
book | icra farming systems analysis paper no.2 |
2290 | Household switching behavior in the use of groundwater in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. | water supply groundwater water quality management water consumption water pricing groundwater demand analysis groundwater use groundwater reserves Vietnam | Vo Thanh Danh |
book | research report no. 2008-rr3 |
2985 | Household vulnerability to climate change in selected municipalities in Laguna, Philippines. | household vulnerability climate change poverty | Arias, Jaime Kim Bayani; Mendoza, Ma. Emilinda T.; Ballaran, Vicente G., Jr.; Dorado, Rowena A. |
book | eepsea 2014-rr1 |
965 | Housing of animals: construction and equipment of animal houses | animal housing construction cattle pigs poultry horses sheep rabbits | Maton, A.; Daelemans, J.; Lambrecht, J. |
book | development in agricultural engineering, 6 |
2152 | How agroforestry is taught in Southeast Asia : A status and needs assessment in Indonesia, Lao PDR, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. | agroforestry, education, training, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, | book |
1732 | How can Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, and Viet Nam cope with revenue lost due to AFTA tariff reductions?. | taxation CEPT AFTA value added tax tax reforms tax revenue tariff rates trade liberalization | Lao-Araya, Kanokpan |
book | erd working paper series no. 29 |
14189 | How climate drives hunger: Food security climate analyses, methodologies and lessons 2010-2016 | food security; global analyses; food insecurity; climate change vulnerability index; nutrition; livelihoods; Asia; Middle East; North African; Central Asia; East Africa; Afghanistan; Cambodia; Ethiopia; Kyrgyz Republic; Lao PDR; Mali; Nepal; Philippines; Senegal; Sri Lanka; South Sudan; Sudan; Tajikistan; Timor Leste; Uganda | book |
15896 | How does the Philippines fare in meeting the ASEAN Economic Community vision 2025? | ASEAN Economic Community; vision; monitoring; economy; Philippines | Quimba, Francis Mark A.; Rosellon, Maureen Ane D.; Carlos, Jean Clarisse T. |
book | research paper series no. 2022-01 |