List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1983 Implementing the forest principles - Promotion of national forest and land-use programmes. forestry policies funding capacity building book

1091 Implications of economic policy for food security: a training manual food security nutrition requirements food consumption economic policy trade policy

Thomson, Anne; Metz, Manfred

book fao training materials for agricultural planning no.40

15745 Implications of the ASEAN Free Trade Agreement on the sustainability of the Philippine agriculture sector tariff reduction; trade; agriculture sector; AFTA

Manzo, Preceles H.


358 Implications of the financial crisis for Asian exports export

Das, Dilip K.

book adb edrc briefing notes number 8

13170 Important findings and recommendations on chemical use in aquaculture in Southeast Asia antibiotic residues; pesticide residues; antibiotics; oxytetracycline and oxolinic acid; ethoxyquin; organotin compounds; harmful chemicals; aquaculture

Coloso, Relicardo M.; Catacutan, Mae R.; Arnaiz, Margarita T.


2730 Improved Australian tree species for Vietnam. trees acacia-wood production

Fisher, Hayden; Gordon, Jenny

book impact assessment series 47

2838 Improved livelihood system of farm households through community watersheds: Learnings and insights from Thailand and Vietnam. watershed cropping systems rice sugarcane legumes

Mula Rosana, P.; Wani, S.P.; Thawilkal, Wangkahart; Thang, N.V.; Supama, Y.

book global theme on agroecosystems report no. 38

1310 Improved management of Philippine native chickens. chicken animal husbandry animal feeding vaccination brooding incubation book pcarrd farm news no.19/2000

773 Improved technology for mungbean production Philippines Vigna radiata plant production mulching planting inoculation pest control harvesting storage economic returns book pcarrd technology, v.12(1)

2732 Improved trade in mangoes from the Philippines, Thailand and Australia. mangoes production heat treatment flowering behavior

Monck, Michael; Pearce, David

book impact assessment series 50