ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
1983 | Implementing the forest principles - Promotion of national forest and land-use programmes. | forestry policies funding capacity building | book |
1091 | Implications of economic policy for food security: a training manual | food security nutrition requirements food consumption economic policy trade policy | Thomson, Anne; Metz, Manfred |
book | fao training materials for agricultural planning no.40 |
15745 | Implications of the ASEAN Free Trade Agreement on the sustainability of the Philippine agriculture sector | tariff reduction; trade; agriculture sector; AFTA | Manzo, Preceles H. |
book |
358 | Implications of the financial crisis for Asian exports | export | Das, Dilip K. |
book | adb edrc briefing notes number 8 |
13170 | Important findings and recommendations on chemical use in aquaculture in Southeast Asia | antibiotic residues; pesticide residues; antibiotics; oxytetracycline and oxolinic acid; ethoxyquin; organotin compounds; harmful chemicals; aquaculture | Coloso, Relicardo M.; Catacutan, Mae R.; Arnaiz, Margarita T. |
book |
2730 | Improved Australian tree species for Vietnam. | trees acacia-wood production | Fisher, Hayden; Gordon, Jenny |
book | impact assessment series 47 |
2838 | Improved livelihood system of farm households through community watersheds: Learnings and insights from Thailand and Vietnam. | watershed cropping systems rice sugarcane legumes | Mula Rosana, P.; Wani, S.P.; Thawilkal, Wangkahart; Thang, N.V.; Supama, Y. |
book | global theme on agroecosystems report no. 38 |
1310 | Improved management of Philippine native chickens. | chicken animal husbandry animal feeding vaccination brooding incubation | book | pcarrd farm news no.19/2000 |
773 | Improved technology for mungbean production | Philippines Vigna radiata plant production mulching planting inoculation pest control harvesting storage economic returns | book | pcarrd technology, v.12(1) |
2732 | Improved trade in mangoes from the Philippines, Thailand and Australia. | mangoes production heat treatment flowering behavior | Monck, Michael; Pearce, David |
book | impact assessment series 50 |