ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
282 | Improving management of aquaculture in Asia | aquaculture sustainability aquaculture industry biotechnology disease management shrimp feed formulation feeding techniques Malaysia Philippines Thailand Vietnam | book |
13620 | Improving rice production and commercialization in Cambodia: Findings from the farm investment climate assessment | agriculture production; rice sector; investment; rice production; commercialization; Cambodia | book |
15720 | Improving the agricultural insurance program to enhance resilience to climate change: Evidence from rice and corn production in the Philippines | climate change resilience; agricultural insurance; Philippines | Yorobe, Jose M. Jr.; Luis, Pilipinas M.; Bordey, Flordeliza H.; Arida, Imelda A. |
book |
2762 | Improving the governance of water resources in Cambodia: A stakeholder analysis. | water resources governance irrigation catchment | Phirun, Nang; Daravy, Khiev; Hirsch, Philip; Whitehead, Isabelle |
book | cdri working paper series no. 54 |
1657 | Improving the productivity and sustainability of rice-wheat systems: Issues and impacts. | cropping systems green revolution sustainability puddling technology crop residues livelihood laser leveling plant establishment | book | asa special publication 65 |
384 | Improving training quality: a trainer's guide to evaluation | training evaluation training process needs assessment training materials process evaluation terminal evaluation follow-up evaluation evaluation results | Raab, R.T.; Swanson, B.E.; Wentling, T.L.; Clark, C.D. |
book |
2610 | Improving village chicken production: A manual for field workers and trainers. | chicken production gender Newcastle disease avian influenza control HIV AIDS mitigation organic chicken wildlife conservation chicken housing nutrition flock management diseases disease control infectious diseases hygiene laying hatching animal breeding meat production egg production | Ahlers, Christine; et al. |
book | aciar monograph no. 139 |
2184 | In de olde worlde : Views of Filipino migrants in Europe. | migration migrant workers domestic workers Filipinos women | Hogsholm, Filomenita M. (ed.) |
book |
2668 | In the hands of farm workers: Can banana commercial farms survive?. | banana commercial farms agrarian reform domestic production world markets Cavendish banana plantation cooperatives export farm diversification organic production retrenched farm workers | Quitoriano, Eddie L.; Dargantes, Buenaventura; Moleta, Lino; Nartea, Paola |
book |
1941 | In turbulent seas: The status of Philippine marine fisheries. | marine fisheries pelagic fisheries demersal fisheries blue crab aquarium fish trade coral reef fisheries capture fisheries mangrove resources seagrass water quality protected areas fishing boats fish processing poverty women tropical coastal fisheries fisheries management local government tuna industry information management systems licensing system artificial reefs ecotourism poaching integrated coastal management bioeconomic modeling overexploitation policies fish resource assessment Lingayen Gulf San Miguel Bay Lamon Bay Honda Bay Visayan Sea Panguil Bay Gingoog Bay Davao Gulf Philippines | DA-BFAR (Department of Agriculture - Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources) |
book |