ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2020 | Innovations in rural extension: Case studies from Bangladesh | poverty elimination rural extension rural development agricultural extension work gender women learning methods video education enterprise web picture songs village soil fertility maps integrated rice-duck farming mobile pump aromatic rice seed system rice seed network rice varieties Grameen seed innovations systems | book |
149 | Innovative experience in agribusiness linkaging for agrarian reform beneficiaries | agribusiness agrarian reform | book |
2871 | Innovative micro-credit delivery systems for rural poverty alleviation : Report of the international workshop held on 17-21 March 2008, Comilla, Bangladesh. | rural development poverty reduction micro-credit micro-enterprise poverty alleviation microfinance | book |
16346 | Innovative nutrient formulations for improved yield and chemical characteristics of horticultural crops in aggregate hydroponics - SEARCA Professorial Chair Lecture Monograph Series No. 9 | nutrient formulations; improved yield; chemical characteristics; horticulture; crops; hydroponics | Salas, Felix Managbanag |
book |
878 | Innovative weed management strategies for sustainable agriculture : The 15th APWSS Symposium. | The 15th APWSS Symposium. | weed management, sustainable agriculture, noxious weeds, weedy rice, rubber plantation, herbicide, | book |
2786 | INRA-CIRAD Open Science Network Meeting, Paris, 3 June 2008. | innovation systems agriculture integrated pest management vector-borne diseases | Kammili, Trish; Brossier, Jacques; Hubert, Bernard; Tourrand, Jean-Francois |
book |
469 | Insect and mite pests in food: An illustrated key, volume 1 | Insects pest mites mites cockroaches adult beetles larval beetles weevils flies ants larval moths cryptophagid beetles arthropod stored-food pests food pests food insects moths Lepidoptera food industry thrips | book | agriculture handbook no. 655 |
15620 | Insect pests and their natural enemies and diseases of calamansi in Oriental Mindoro: A field identification and management guide | field guide; calamansi pests, natural enemies, diseases; rearing; calamansi; IPM; Philippines | Ceballo, Flor A.; Sta. Cruz, Filomena C.; Revilloza, Mark Lester A.; Albaytar, Annabelle B.; Beltran, Marie Joy B.; Villa, Joselito E.; Aguilar, Edna A. |
book |
870 | Insect pests of rice | stem borers leafhoppers planthopper water weevil thrips leaffolders gall midge caseworm mealybugs whorl maggots ladybird beetle stem maggot cutworms | Pathak, M.D.; Khan, Z.R. |
book |
440 | Insect sex pheromones | sex pheromones Acarina orthoptera hemiptera homoptera diptera isoptera neuroptera siphonaptera coleoptera hymenoptera lepidoptera | Jacobson, Martin |
book |