List of Books : 3864

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1198 International training in agricultural economic development. training agricultural economics graduate fellowship

Schertz, L.P.; Stevenson, A.R.; Weisblat, A.M. (eds.)


1918 International workshop on conservation farming for sloping uplands in Southeast Asia : Challenges, opportunities, and prospects. conservation farming international agricultural research sloping lands soil erosion agroforestry technologies land management practices economic indicators alley cropping contour hedgerows technology transfer small-farm reservoir technology Landcare ASIALAND ACIAR China Germany Nepal Philippines Rwanda

Maglinao, A.; Sajjapongse, Adisak; Myers, M.; Leslie, R.N. (eds.)


13644 International workshop on effective methods of disseminating new technology considering the viewpoint of farmers farmers; ergonomics; agricultural machinery; agricultural extension; agricultural technology; commercialization; industrialization; cultivation techniques; payable service; cropping system; vegetable; natural resources; adaptation; technology transfer; information dissemination; farmers organization; pre-cooling system; Taiwan; Malaysia; Philippines; Thailand; Vietnam book

13112 Intertemporal decisions for oneself and for a group and conservation decisions: Evidence from a that coastal village coastal villages; intertemporal decisions; conservation activity

Suparee Boonmanunt; Thomas Lauer; Bettina Rockenbach; Arne Weiss

book eepsea research reports 2016-rr13

1498 Into Action Research: Partnerships in Asian Rootcrop Research and Development indigenous knowledge community approach rootcrop enterprise development participatory research institutional linkages sweet potatoes farmer field school genetic diversity small-scale enterprises Indonesia Philippines Nepal Vietnam China book

216 Introduction to agribusiness management management planning organization and staffing case studies

Drilon, Jose D., Jr.

book agribusiness management resource materials, volume i

2082 Introduction to entrepreneurship. entrepreneurship economic growth role of government marketing goods and services book

2231 Introduction to information systems project management. project management project organization project implementation control and assessment system development planning process information technology risk management

Olson, David L.


392 Introduction to mathematical statistics probability distributions statistical methods correlation regression statistical inference nonparametric methods

Hoel, Paul G.


571 Introduction to nuclear techniques in agronomy and plant biology Isotopes Radiation Nuclear reaction Radioisotopes Radioassay X-ray fluorescence spectrography Autoradiography

Vose, Peter B.
