List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2557 Know your ASEAN. ASEAN regionalism human rights poverty trading tourism communicable disease terrorism natural disasters women cultural heritage book

10 Knowledege, perception, and memory knowledge justification external conclusiveness memory knowledge perceptual knowledge

Ginet, Carl


15595 Knowledge Exchange - Proceedings of the Policy Roundtable on ATMI-ASEAN: The Case of the Livestock Sector in Vietnam policy roundtable; livestock industry; pig; value chain; ATMI-ASEAN; Vietnam book

15594 Knowledge Exchange - Proceedings of the Policy Roundtable on ATMI-ASEAN: The Case of the Maize Industry in Cambodia policy rountable; maize industry; Cambodia; ATMI-ASEAN book

2639 Knowledge solutions: Tools, methods, and approaches to drive development forward and enhance its effects. organizational learning knowledge management knowledge audit institutional capacity social marketing social network analysis sustainable livelihoods change management branding performance measurement knowledge sharing knowledge capture storage social media web logs

Serrat, Olivier


13097 Knowledge systems and RAPID framework for impact assessments knowledge systems; agriculture; aflatoxin

Davila, F.; Sloan, T.; van Kerkhoff, L.


791 Korea's seed potato program: organization, impact and issues seed potatoes seed industry certification program costs

Horton, D.E.; Kim, Y.C.; Hahn, B.H.; Kim, K.K.; Mok, I.G.; Lee, B.N.


1457 Laboratory manual in dairy technology. milk products cheese butter yoghurt evaporated milk ice cream making pastillas de leche microbiological examination condensed milk leche plan

Dulay, Teofilo A.

book techguide series no.30

2417 Labour law of Lao People's Democratic Republic. labor management termination of employment hours of work salaries income tax occupational injury labor disputes sanctions pension scheme compensation scheme book

1490 Laguna duck raising: an alternative livelihood project ducks muscovy mallard pekin animal housing feeding meat breeds Philippines book pcarrd farm primer no.5/1993