List of Books : 3873

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
283 Livestock products in the Third World: past trends and projections to 1990 and 2000 production consumption trade

Sarma, J.S.; Yeung, P.

book ifpri research report no.49

277 Livestock to 2020: the next food revolution livestock food demand environmental sustainability technology needs nutrition poverty alleviation public health

Delgado, C.; Rosegrant, M.; Steinfeld, H.; Ehui, S.; Courbois, C.

book food, agriculture, and the environment discussion paper 28

3002 Living with floods : A grassroots analysis of the causes and impacts of typhoon Mirinae. floods; grassroots; typhoon Mirinae; climate change; flood damage; flood risks

Digregorio, Michael ; Huynh Cao Van


15864 Local Balinese Seeds Preservation Project sustainable agriculture practice; seed preservation; Hindu Balinese ceremony; Balinese tradition; local Balinese vegetable seeds

Gusti Ayu Komang Sri Mahayuni

book searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2019-1

125 Local economic promotion in the Philippines economic development local government economic promotion economic zones government policies Philippines

Legaspi, P.E.; Cabo, W.L.; Joaquin, M.E.T.


1959 Local government finance, private resources, and local credit markets in Asia. finance local government privatization credit market India Indonesia Pakistan Philippines

de Vera, Roberto; Yun-Hwan Kim

book erd working paper series no. 46

1331 Local social development. social development participatory approaches development organizations development process communities book

13185 Local tilapia farming practices in the Philippines - Documentation of practical innovative approaches on impacts of climate change tilapia; farming; innovative practices; pond dikes; macrophytes; local knowledge; water quality improvement; water resources; rural aquaculture production; sustainability; farm management; resilience book bfar aquaculture technology bulletin series 3

2895 Local vegetables of Thailand: Color illustrated. vegetables nutritional value

Paisooksantivatana, Yingyong; Nakahara, Kazuhiko

book jircas international agriculture series no. 17

2348 Locally-led natural resource management: Proceedings of a regional workshop natural resource management environmental policy watershed protection landcare governance Bukidnon Lantapan Baguio City ECO-WALK Claveria book