ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
1143 | Management of land and water resources: Ecological consideration | ecology rural development | Sajise, Percy E. |
book |
58 | Management of livestock waste in the Laguna Lake watershed, Philippines. | animal wastes feedlots Laguna Lake watershed waste disposal Philippines | Alcantara, Antonio. J.; Donald, Richard G. |
book | ermp reports no.29 |
1111 | Management of natural resources in the Philippines: Goals, policies and strategies | Philippines natural resources forest resources policies | Sajise, Percy E. |
book |
1350 | Management of nearshore fishery resources : Proceedings of the Seminar-Workshop on the Management of Nearshore Fishery Resources, ECOTECH Center, Cebu City, 23-25 January 1990. | fisheries artificial reef illegal fishing policies laws marine reserves mangrove forestation seagrass aquaculture sea ranching community management | book | pcamrd book series no.10/1991 |
13092 | Management of pink disease, stem bleeding, and white root rot of rubber in the Philippines | pink disease; stem bleeding; white root rot | book |
1769 | Management of slopelands in the Asia-Pacific region. | soil characteristics land management slopelands soil fertility soil conservation erosion control Sloping Agricultural Land Technology | Chiu, William T.F.; Zueng-Sang Chen; Cosico, W.; Aglibut, F.B. (eds.) |
book |
914 | Management of soil, nutrients and water in tropical plantation forests. | genetic resources biophysical environment forest plantations hydrology nitrogen fixation mycorrhizas plantation ecosystems reforestation organic matter | E.K. Sadanandan Nambiar; Brown, Alan G. (eds.) |
book | aciar monograph no.43 |
15831 | Management practices and morphological characterization of indigenous (native) chickens in Samar Province | morphological characterization; native chicken; strains | Bejar, Feleciano R.; Baylon, Manuel J.; Fabillar, Jaime B.; Mante, Lagrito Ebert B.; Ultra, Arturo A.; Aquino, Reynaldo R.; Bejar, Elvie T. |
book | searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2012-3 |
2656 | Management strategies for protected areas: Insights and recommendations from studies on environmental and resource economics in Southeast Asia. | protected area management funds tourism | book |
3033 | Management strategies for weedy rice in Asia. | direct-seeded system tillage seedbed cultivars herbicide red rice seed dormancy biotypes preventive measures chemical control | book |