List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1143 Management of land and water resources: Ecological consideration ecology rural development

Sajise, Percy E.


58 Management of livestock waste in the Laguna Lake watershed, Philippines. animal wastes feedlots Laguna Lake watershed waste disposal Philippines

Alcantara, Antonio. J.; Donald, Richard G.

book ermp reports no.29

1111 Management of natural resources in the Philippines: Goals, policies and strategies Philippines natural resources forest resources policies

Sajise, Percy E.


1350 Management of nearshore fishery resources : Proceedings of the Seminar-Workshop on the Management of Nearshore Fishery Resources, ECOTECH Center, Cebu City, 23-25 January 1990. fisheries artificial reef illegal fishing policies laws marine reserves mangrove forestation seagrass aquaculture sea ranching community management book pcamrd book series no.10/1991

13092 Management of pink disease, stem bleeding, and white root rot of rubber in the Philippines pink disease; stem bleeding; white root rot book

1769 Management of slopelands in the Asia-Pacific region. soil characteristics land management slopelands soil fertility soil conservation erosion control Sloping Agricultural Land Technology

Chiu, William T.F.; Zueng-Sang Chen; Cosico, W.; Aglibut, F.B. (eds.)


914 Management of soil, nutrients and water in tropical plantation forests. genetic resources biophysical environment forest plantations hydrology nitrogen fixation mycorrhizas plantation ecosystems reforestation organic matter

E.K. Sadanandan Nambiar; Brown, Alan G. (eds.)

book aciar monograph no.43

15831 Management practices and morphological characterization of indigenous (native) chickens in Samar Province morphological characterization; native chicken; strains

Bejar, Feleciano R.; Baylon, Manuel J.; Fabillar, Jaime B.; Mante, Lagrito Ebert B.; Ultra, Arturo A.; Aquino, Reynaldo R.; Bejar, Elvie T.

book searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2012-3

2656 Management strategies for protected areas: Insights and recommendations from studies on environmental and resource economics in Southeast Asia. protected area management funds tourism book

3033 Management strategies for weedy rice in Asia. direct-seeded system tillage seedbed cultivars herbicide red rice seed dormancy biotypes preventive measures chemical control book