ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
1462 | Meat processing for small and medium scale operations. | slaughtering livestock meat animals meat evaluation meat curing meat preservation meat products regulations sausage | Ibarra, Perlito I. |
book |
138 | Meat production and marketing in Asia and the Pacific | meat production animal production marketing beef quality pork production genetic resources beef cattle import supply and demand Asia | book |
302 | Mechanisms and Practices of Agricultural Price Policy in Asia and the Pacific | Indonesia Philippines Thailand price policy agricultural development farm products price stabilization vegetable production price trends consumption marketing policies | book |
892 | Mechanisms of resistance to plant diseases | viruses plant diseases pest resistance genetics mutagenesis | Fraser, R.S.S. (ed.) |
book | advances in agricultural biotechnology |
16396 | Mechanization of tillage and harvesting operations for paddy production in Malaysia: Challenges and potentials - SEARCA Professorial Chair Lecture Monograph No. 10 | combine harvester; rice mechanization; agricultural mechanization; crawler-type tractor; Malaysia | Nawi, Nazmi Mat |
book |
2463 | Medicinal plants in China: A selection of 150 commonly used species | medicinal plants botanical description distribution indications dosage | book | who regional purlications western pacific series no.2 |
13083 | Medicinal plants in the Los Banos Experiment Station for genetic resources conservation | medicinal plants; trees; shrubs; herbs; vines; palms; grasses; weeds; ferns | Oliva, Florentina D. |
book |
2457 | Medicinal plants in Viet Nam. | medicinal plants inventory utilization drying processing storage chemical composition therapeutic uses | book | who regional publications western pacific series no. 3 |
2456 | Medicinal plants of Brunei Darussalam: Part One. | medicinal plants herbal medicines habitat medicinal uses contents | book |
2458 | Medicinal plants of Nepal. | medicinal plants distribution description Nepal | book |