List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
902 Mode of action of herbicides herbicides aliphatics amides benzoics bipyridyliums carbamates diniroanilines nitriles phenols phenoxys thiocarbamates triazines triazoles ureas weeds weed control

Ashton, Floyd M.; Crafts, Alden S.


1807 Model national biosafety law. genetically modified organisms risk assessment regulations law criminal proceedings

Gurdial Singh Nijar


1855 Modeling plant virus disease epidemics : Development and use of simulation models. Development and use of simulation models. simulation models virus disease

Bertschinger, L.


2135 Modeling the environment : An introduction to system dynamics models of environmental systems. modeling cyclical systems flight simulators software spatial dynamics

Ford, Andrew


1506 Modeling the impact of climate change on rice production in Asia rice database weather database rice model climate change rice crop simulation rice production Asia agroclimatic zones Philippines Japan India Malaysia South Korea China

Matthews, R.B.; Kropff, M.J.; Bachelet, D.; van Laar, H.H. (ed.)


880 Modelling crop-weed interactions Weed Weed control Weed management Soil evaporation Crop losses Empirical models Eco-physiological models Soil nitrogen

Kropff, M.J.; van Laar, H.H. (eds.)


2648 Modelling minimum residue thresholds for soil conservation benefits in tropical, semi-arid cropping systems. conservation agriculture models Agricultural Production Systems Simulator maize cropping system maize and wheat cropping systems sandy soils vertosol clay soil soil fertility

Probert, M.E.


1872 Modelling nutrient management in tropical cropping systems. organic matter soil fertility integrated soil fertility management simulation models participatory research computer model chemical characterization carbon analysis lignin content analysis mineralization nitrogen in vitro dry matter digestibility decomposition rates near infrared spectroscopy APSIM manure model maize manure crop simulation phosphorus plant growth response alfisol vertisol

Delve, R.J.; Probert, M.E. (eds.)

book aciar proceedings no. 114

419 Modelling of the persistence of pesticides applied to the soil soil pesticide model soil moisture temperature chemodynamics models

Troester, S.J.; Ress, F.A.; Felsot, A.S.; Ruesink, W.G.


13094 Modern biotechnology and agriculture: A history of commercialization of biotech maize in the Philippines biotechnology; biosafety system; commercialization; corn; Bt corn; farming systems; genetically modified organisms; socio-economic impacts; biopesticides; biofertilizers; breeding; supply chains; market; willingness to buy; technology adoption; distribution; agroecologies

Gonzales, Leonardo A.; Javier, Emil Q.; Ramirez, Dolores A.; Carino, Flerida A.; Baria, Arthur R.
