ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
14152 | Manual on good manufacturing practice (GMP) guidelines for mussel depuration | food law; food safety; hygiene; mussel; bacterial decontamination; depuration facility; | book | pcaarrd information bulletin no. 98/2018 |
2886 | Manual on vulnerability assessment of watersheds. | watersheds climate change hazards landslides soil erosion forest fire deforestation water pollution biodiversity loss assessment | Daño, Antonio M.; Baltazar, Eliseo M. (eds.) |
book |
1800 | Manual on watershed instrumentation and measurements. | rain gages watershed rainfall hydrograph water quality sediment thermograph anemometer atmometer psychrometer | Ffolliott, P.F. |
book |
2278 | Many roads to justice: The law-related work of Ford Foundation grantees around the world. | democracy social change public interest litigation legal reform justice legal aid non-governmental organizations Africa America Bangladesh China Philippines Europe | McClymont, Mary; Golub, Stephen (eds.) |
book |
1518 | Mapping land resource potential and agricultural pressure in Papua New Guinea. | Land resource potential land use agricultural pressure | Hanson, L.W.; Bourke, R.M.; Allen, B.J.; McCarthy, T.J. |
book | aciar technical reports 50 |
2945 | Marine biodiversity review of the Arafura and Timor seas. | geographical condition ecosystems resources marine life plankton crustacea marine mammals turtles | Wagey, Tonny; Arifin, Zainal |
book |
2406 | Marine protected areas in Southeast Asia | coastal and marine ecosystems species legislation marine protected areas evaluation gaps | UP-MSI; ABC; ARCBC; DENR; ASEAN |
book |
1997 | Marine protected areas workshop, 20-22 March 1997, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental. | marine protected areas education monitoring livelihood gender legislation cost benefit analysis site selection community development coastal communities Danao Bay Zambales Bohol Leyte Philippines | Brookes, A.; Curran, S.; Green, S.; Nightingale, M.; Purvis, J.; Rosario, C. (eds.) |
book |
2832 | Market fishes of Indonesia. | fishes species Indonesia | White, William T.; Last, Peter R.; Dharmadi; Faizah, Ria; Chodrijah, Umi; Prisantoso, Budi Iskandar; Pogonoski, John J. |
book | aciar monograph no. 155 |
237 | Marketing and storage of pulses in Bangladesh | Bangladesh marketing pulses storage | Firose Shah Sikder; Elias, S.M. |
book | cgprt no.12 |