List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
14152 Manual on good manufacturing practice (GMP) guidelines for mussel depuration food law; food safety; hygiene; mussel; bacterial decontamination; depuration facility; book pcaarrd information bulletin no. 98/2018

2886 Manual on vulnerability assessment of watersheds. watersheds climate change hazards landslides soil erosion forest fire deforestation water pollution biodiversity loss assessment

Daño, Antonio M.; Baltazar, Eliseo M. (eds.)


1800 Manual on watershed instrumentation and measurements. rain gages watershed rainfall hydrograph water quality sediment thermograph anemometer atmometer psychrometer

Ffolliott, P.F.


2278 Many roads to justice: The law-related work of Ford Foundation grantees around the world. democracy social change public interest litigation legal reform justice legal aid non-governmental organizations Africa America Bangladesh China Philippines Europe

McClymont, Mary; Golub, Stephen (eds.)


1518 Mapping land resource potential and agricultural pressure in Papua New Guinea. Land resource potential land use agricultural pressure

Hanson, L.W.; Bourke, R.M.; Allen, B.J.; McCarthy, T.J.

book aciar technical reports 50

2945 Marine biodiversity review of the Arafura and Timor seas. geographical condition ecosystems resources marine life plankton crustacea marine mammals turtles

Wagey, Tonny; Arifin, Zainal


2406 Marine protected areas in Southeast Asia coastal and marine ecosystems species legislation marine protected areas evaluation gaps



1997 Marine protected areas workshop, 20-22 March 1997, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental. marine protected areas education monitoring livelihood gender legislation cost benefit analysis site selection community development coastal communities Danao Bay Zambales Bohol Leyte Philippines

Brookes, A.; Curran, S.; Green, S.; Nightingale, M.; Purvis, J.; Rosario, C. (eds.)


2832 Market fishes of Indonesia. fishes species Indonesia

White, William T.; Last, Peter R.; Dharmadi; Faizah, Ria; Chodrijah, Umi; Prisantoso, Budi Iskandar; Pogonoski, John J.

book aciar monograph no. 155

237 Marketing and storage of pulses in Bangladesh Bangladesh marketing pulses storage

Firose Shah Sikder; Elias, S.M.

book cgprt no.12