List of Books : 3864

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2638 Measuring the impact of information on development. information economic and social development benefit analysis project evaluation evaluation techniques indicators computer conferencing cost-benefit analysis models conference reports

Menou, Michel J. (ed.)


715 Measuring the rate of technological change for rice production in the Philippines: implications for agricultural policy model simulations irrigation investments fertilizers agricultural policy rice production

Bouis, Howarth E.

book working paper series no.91-05

1725 Measuring willingness to pay for electricity. electricity household demand

Choynowski, Peter

book erd technical note series no. 3

1462 Meat processing for small and medium scale operations. slaughtering livestock meat animals meat evaluation meat curing meat preservation meat products regulations sausage

Ibarra, Perlito I.


138 Meat production and marketing in Asia and the Pacific meat production animal production marketing beef quality pork production genetic resources beef cattle import supply and demand Asia book

302 Mechanisms and Practices of Agricultural Price Policy in Asia and the Pacific Indonesia Philippines Thailand price policy agricultural development farm products price stabilization vegetable production price trends consumption marketing policies book

892 Mechanisms of resistance to plant diseases viruses plant diseases pest resistance genetics mutagenesis

Fraser, R.S.S. (ed.)

book advances in agricultural biotechnology

16396 Mechanization of tillage and harvesting operations for paddy production in Malaysia: Challenges and potentials - SEARCA Professorial Chair Lecture Monograph No. 10 combine harvester; rice mechanization; agricultural mechanization; crawler-type tractor; Malaysia

Nawi, Nazmi Mat


2463 Medicinal plants in China: A selection of 150 commonly used species medicinal plants botanical description distribution indications dosage book who regional purlications western pacific series no.2

13083 Medicinal plants in the Los Banos Experiment Station for genetic resources conservation medicinal plants; trees; shrubs; herbs; vines; palms; grasses; weeds; ferns

Oliva, Florentina D.
