ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2358 | Monitoring and evaluation for World Bank agricultural research and extension projects: A good practice note. | agricultural research monitoring and evaluation data collection reporting dissemination economic evaluation project monitoring evaluation costs | Rajalahti, Riikka; Woelcke, Johannes; Pehu, Eija |
book | agriculture and rural development discussion paper 20 |
564 | Monitoring and evaluation handbook: for participatory ISF Projects | monitoring and evaluation evaluation tools analysis guide data gathering data analysis | book |
157 | Monitoring and evaluation of agricultural change | interviews survey program data processing agricultural practices agricultural production livestock survey marketing | Murphy, Josette; Sprey, Leendert H. |
book | ilri publication 32 |
13165 | Monitoring, reporting and verification manual for clean development mechanism projects | clean development mechanism; monitoring; reporting; verification | book |
3120 | MOREFORESTs : Management of Resources on Forestlands through Enhanced Sustainable Technologies. | Enhanced Forest Land Use Plan sustainable forest management technologies agroforestry forest plantation | Antonio, Shaleh; Fortenbacher, Dominik; Ignacio, Gordon Bernard; Liss, Bernd; Moyano, Marifel; Pellini, Katja; Schade, Jurgen |
book |
2381 | Morphological properties of red and black soils of selected benchmark spots in semi-arid tropics of India. | soils red soil black soil | Bhattacharyya, T.; Chandran, P.; Ray, S.K.; Mandal, C.; Pal, D.K.; Venugopalan, M.V.; Durge, S.L. |
book | global theme on agroecosystems report no. 21 |
1984 | Mountains 2000 and beyond : International Conference on Sustainable Development of the Hindu Kush Himalayan Region, Wildbad Kreuth, Federal Republic of Germany, June 22-24, 1998. | mountain development poverty reduction livelihood | book |
14178 | Moving ahead with REDD - Issues, options and implications | REDD; carbon emissions; forest; liability management; risk management; monitoring; poverty reduction | book |
2715 | Moving forward with forest governance. | forest governance artisanal logging non-timber forest products forestry corruption timber regulation REDD+ gender climate change forest certification | Broekhoven, Guido; Savenije, Herman; von Scheliha, Stefanie (eds.) |
book |
15711 | Moving forward: Southeast Asian perspectives on climate change and biodiversity | animal genetic resource conservation; biodiversity; marine biodiversity; climate change | Sajise, Percy E.; Ticsay, Mariliza V.; Saguiguit, Gil C. Jr. |
book |