List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2358 Monitoring and evaluation for World Bank agricultural research and extension projects: A good practice note. agricultural research monitoring and evaluation data collection reporting dissemination economic evaluation project monitoring evaluation costs

Rajalahti, Riikka; Woelcke, Johannes; Pehu, Eija

book agriculture and rural development discussion paper 20

564 Monitoring and evaluation handbook: for participatory ISF Projects monitoring and evaluation evaluation tools analysis guide data gathering data analysis book

157 Monitoring and evaluation of agricultural change interviews survey program data processing agricultural practices agricultural production livestock survey marketing

Murphy, Josette; Sprey, Leendert H.

book ilri publication 32

13165 Monitoring, reporting and verification manual for clean development mechanism projects clean development mechanism; monitoring; reporting; verification book

3120 MOREFORESTs : Management of Resources on Forestlands through Enhanced Sustainable Technologies. Enhanced Forest Land Use Plan sustainable forest management technologies agroforestry forest plantation

Antonio, Shaleh; Fortenbacher, Dominik; Ignacio, Gordon Bernard; Liss, Bernd; Moyano, Marifel; Pellini, Katja; Schade, Jurgen


2381 Morphological properties of red and black soils of selected benchmark spots in semi-arid tropics of India. soils red soil black soil

Bhattacharyya, T.; Chandran, P.; Ray, S.K.; Mandal, C.; Pal, D.K.; Venugopalan, M.V.; Durge, S.L.

book global theme on agroecosystems report no. 21

1984 Mountains 2000 and beyond : International Conference on Sustainable Development of the Hindu Kush Himalayan Region, Wildbad Kreuth, Federal Republic of Germany, June 22-24, 1998. mountain development poverty reduction livelihood book

14178 Moving ahead with REDD - Issues, options and implications REDD; carbon emissions; forest; liability management; risk management; monitoring; poverty reduction book

2715 Moving forward with forest governance. forest governance artisanal logging non-timber forest products forestry corruption timber regulation REDD+ gender climate change forest certification

Broekhoven, Guido; Savenije, Herman; von Scheliha, Stefanie (eds.)


15711 Moving forward: Southeast Asian perspectives on climate change and biodiversity animal genetic resource conservation; biodiversity; marine biodiversity; climate change

Sajise, Percy E.; Ticsay, Mariliza V.; Saguiguit, Gil C. Jr.
