List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
81 Nepal: economic policies for sustainable development sustainable development population forest resources management tourism energy industry urbanization Nepal book

2131 Networking for development. networking networks typology electronic networks problems benefits animal traction networks legitimacy monitoring evaluation

Starkey, Paul


457 New crops, new uses, new markets: Industrial and commercial products from U.S. Agriculture marketing system environmental issues biofuels fuel biotechnology products research plant products book

1734 New economy and the effects of industrial structures on international equity market correlations. technology evolution financial liberalization industry structures

Cyn-Young Park; Jaejoon Woo

book erd working paper series no. 31

1075 New frontiers in breeding researches : Proceedings of the 5th International Congress Society for the Advancement of Breeding Researches in Asia and Oceania (SABRAO) genetic engineering biotechnology genetic improvement maize rice grain legumes oilseed crops soybean rust plantation crops genetic resources animal genetics

Banpot Napompeth; Suranant Subhadrabandhu (ed.)


203 New perspectives on rural industrialization Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Thailand Vietnam rural industries rural areas industrialization technology transfer small medium scale industry industry book

2326 New rules, new roles: Does PSP benefit the poor? : Case studies of private sector participation in water and sanitation in 10 countries. water water services concessions Argentina Brazil England Mexico Mozambique Nepal Philippines Tanzania Uganda United States book

634 New technologies for rainfed rice-based farming systems in the Philippines and Sri Lanka : Report of a workshop held at Iloilo, Philippines, 20-24 July 1987. extension farming systems cropping patterns book aciar technical reports no.8

903 New technology of pest control pest control integrated pest management soybean cotton alfalfa stone fruits citrus forest management pine beetle

Huffaker, Carl B. (ed.)


1016 Newcastle disease in poultry: a new food pellet vaccine poultry Newcastle disease vaccines poultry disease chicken virus

Copland, J.W. (ed.)
