ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
577 | On-farm research manual: Overview and directions of agricultural research | agricultural research extension policy formulation monitoring systems linkages | book |
574 | On-farm research manual: Pilot production programs - The pre-production phase | technology net benefit farmers association education | book |
566 | On-farm research manual: Planning on-farm research. | on-farm research site selection technology field management | book |
575 | On-farm research manual: The farming systems approach: basic research concepts | research farming systems agricultural research rural development | Ly Tung |
book |
716 | On-farm reservoir systems for rainfed ricelands | Rainfed farming reservoir systems rainwater storage small farm reservoirs drought alleviation | Bhuiyan, S.I. (ed.) |
book |
2839 | On-site and off-site impact of watershed development: A case study of Rajasamadhiyala, Gujarat, India. | watershed water harvesting crop diversification | Sreedevi, T.K.; Wani, S.P.; Sudi, R.; Patel, Mahesh S.; Talati, Jayesh; Singh, S.N.; Shah, Tushar |
book | global theme on agroecosystems report no. 20 |
1399 | On-site costs and benefits of soil conservation in the mountainous regions of northern Vietnam. | soil conservation soil erosion soil loss | Tran Dinh Thao |
book | eepsea research reports 2001-rr13 |
2191 | One century of forest rehabilitation in the Philippines : Approaches, outcomes and lessons. | forests rehabilitation degraded forests forest policy forest economics Philippines | Chokkalingam, Unna; Carandang, Antonio P.; Pulhin, Juan M.; Lasco, Rodel D.; Peras, Rose Jane J.; Takeshi Toma (eds.) |
book |
2385 | Onion production for export. | onion seed germination maturation climatological requirements soil requirements varieties seeds seeding seedbed establishment field preparation transplanting fertilization furrow irrigation irrigation weed control diseases insect control harvesting curing grading | Rosario, Teresita L.; Kline, Wesley L.; Kline, Shirley |
book |
1699 | Operation of agricultural wholesale markets. | wholesale market laws marketing system | book |