ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
14182 | Organic agriculture in the Philippines: A training manual | organic agriculture; soil management; soil fertility; nutrient management; farmstead compost production; organic fertilizer production; solid wastes; vermiculture; vermicompost production; organic crop production; seed production; seedling production; tropical vegetable production; sugarcane production; Arabica coffee production; organic rice production; pest and disease management; insect pest management; disease management; organic livestock and poultry production; organic certification; markets; trade; farm planning; record keeping | book | pcaarrd training module no. 4/2012 |
1236 | Organic chemistry. | hydrocarbons petroleum aldehydes sulfur compounds aromatic compounds acid derivatives ketones alkenes ethers halogen | Brewster, R.Q.; McEwen, W.E. |
book |
13990 | Organic family farm toolkit - Part 2: Pagtatayo ng family farm | farm; organic farming; sustainable agriculture; farmers; community | book |
6 | Organic fertilizers: their nature, properties and use | organic fertilizers composting animal manure green manure biogas soil microbiology soil fertility | Cosico, Wilfredo C. |
book |
15845 | Organic livestock farming and breeding toward food security of smallholder farmers in the tropics | smallholder farming; livestock; organic farming; breeding | Bondoc, Orville L. |
book | searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2015-2 |
1477 | Organisation and management of national seed programmes : Proceedings of a follow-up seminar/workshop. | training human resource development germplasm utilization variety development seed multiplication seed health seed storage seed distribution marketing pricing sustainable agriculture indigenous practices policies privatization | book |
15746 | Organization and policy adjustment implication of AFTA: The case of Thailand | non-tariff barriers; policy adjustment; AFTA; Thailand | Thanwa Jitsanguan; Bhantinee Sootsukon |
book |
536 | Organization and structure of Arab National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS). | organization of research research research institutions | Ghazi Hariri |
book | isnar working paper no.31 |
534 | Organization and structure of National Agricultural Research Systems in Anglophone sub-Saharan Africa | Research Organization of research Public research Management Research institutions Africa | Taylor, T.A. |
book | isnar working paper no.38 |
1200 | Organizational behavior. | management decision process communication process control process perceptual process learning process motivational process personality development human resource management organization development | Luthans, Fred |
book |