List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
14182 Organic agriculture in the Philippines: A training manual organic agriculture; soil management; soil fertility; nutrient management; farmstead compost production; organic fertilizer production; solid wastes; vermiculture; vermicompost production; organic crop production; seed production; seedling production; tropical vegetable production; sugarcane production; Arabica coffee production; organic rice production; pest and disease management; insect pest management; disease management; organic livestock and poultry production; organic certification; markets; trade; farm planning; record keeping book pcaarrd training module no. 4/2012

1236 Organic chemistry. hydrocarbons petroleum aldehydes sulfur compounds aromatic compounds acid derivatives ketones alkenes ethers halogen

Brewster, R.Q.; McEwen, W.E.


13990 Organic family farm toolkit - Part 2: Pagtatayo ng family farm farm; organic farming; sustainable agriculture; farmers; community book

6 Organic fertilizers: their nature, properties and use organic fertilizers composting animal manure green manure biogas soil microbiology soil fertility

Cosico, Wilfredo C.


15845 Organic livestock farming and breeding toward food security of smallholder farmers in the tropics smallholder farming; livestock; organic farming; breeding

Bondoc, Orville L.

book searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2015-2

1477 Organisation and management of national seed programmes : Proceedings of a follow-up seminar/workshop. training human resource development germplasm utilization variety development seed multiplication seed health seed storage seed distribution marketing pricing sustainable agriculture indigenous practices policies privatization book

15746 Organization and policy adjustment implication of AFTA: The case of Thailand non-tariff barriers; policy adjustment; AFTA; Thailand

Thanwa Jitsanguan; Bhantinee Sootsukon


536 Organization and structure of Arab National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS). organization of research research research institutions

Ghazi Hariri

book isnar working paper no.31

534 Organization and structure of National Agricultural Research Systems in Anglophone sub-Saharan Africa Research Organization of research Public research Management Research institutions Africa

Taylor, T.A.

book isnar working paper no.38

1200 Organizational behavior. management decision process communication process control process perceptual process learning process motivational process personality development human resource management organization development

Luthans, Fred
