List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1079 Overcoming illusions about biotechnology biotechnology sustainable agriculture genetic engineering ethical impacts social impact technology

Perlas, Nicanor


13642 Overcoming the barriers: Mainstreaming climate change adaptation in developing countries climate change; adaptation book

763 Overseeding native pasture with legumes for increased beef production Philippines Feed crops Pastures Oversowing Animal production Beef cattle Centrosema

Castillo, A.C.; Lanting, E.L.F.

book pcarrd technology, v.13(1)

13105 Overview of the payment for the ecosystem services implementation in Indonesia ecosystem services; environmental protection and management; coastal and small islands management; non-tax revenue; government regulations; forest production; forest management; utilization planning; forest area usage; ecotourism; wildlife conservation; national park conservation; national forest conservation; watershed management; payment for ecosystem services

Amalia, Mia; Syahril Shanty

book eepsea research reports 2016-srg2

1146 Overview of upland farming issues agricultural development upland development technology upland farming

Sajise, Percy E.


1798 Pacific agroforestry: An information kit. agroforestry soil improvement shade fallows intercropping alley cropping grid intercropping soil erosion yam staking live fencing windbreaks fuelwood timber trees fruit trees livestock coconuts forage trees leucaena gliricidia callianra tree propagation nurseries pests of plants plant diseases book

2673 Packaging in fresh produce supply chains in Southeast Asia. packaging supply chain production cost of packaging transportation book rap publication 2011/20

854 Pagpaparami ng mga halamang foliage Dracaena godseffiana Dracaena sanderiana Murraya paniculata Cordyline terminalis Pleomele reflexa book pcarrd farm primer no. 21

13671 Palau climate change policy for climate and disaster resilient low emissions development 2015 climate change adaptation; disaster risk management; mitigation; low emission development; policy book

13674 Palau responsible tourism policy framework 2017-2021 tourism development; Palau book