ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
28 | People: an international choice: the multilateral approach to population. | inheritance United Nations staff recruitment promotional phase population family planning fund approach | Salas, Rafael M. |
book |
2510 | Permanent beds and rice-residue management for rice-wheat systems in the Indo-Gangetic Plain : Proceedings of a workshop held in Ludhiana, India, 7-9 September 2006. | Proceedings of a workshop held in Ludhiana, India, 7-9 September 2006. | rice-wheat cropping systems permanent beds water balance yield furrow irrigated wheat-maize-rice cropping direct-seeded rice straw mulch nitrogen | Humphreys, E.; Roth, C.H. (eds.) |
book | aciar proceedings no. 127 |
308 | Person to person managing: an executives's guide to working effectively with people | motivation conflict management performance motivational impact | book |
196 | Personnel: the human problems of management. | job satisfaction technology industrial revolution performance appraisal mass production manpower planning organization managerial skills motivation leadership reward systems | Strauss, George; Sayles, Leonard R. |
book |
1849 | Perspectives for world food security - Challenges for agricultural research. | food security cereals imports food supply | book |
856 | Perspectives on sustainable farming systems in upland areas | sustainability sloping lands mechanization conservation practices resource management steep lands technologies citrus fruits | book |
900 | Pest control in Asia and the Pacific : Report of the APO seminar, Tokyo, Japan, 24 September - 4 October, 1991 | safety evaluation system pest control pesticides chemicals integrated pest management neem | book |
1388 | Pest control safe for bees : A manual and directory for the tropics and subtropics. | bee pollinators pesticides honeybees | Adey, M.; Walker, P.; Walker, P.T. |
book |
1852 | Pest management and food production: Looking to the future. | crop losses pests of plants pesticides environmental impact biological control biotechnology plant protection biopesticides genetic engineering integrated pest management | Yudelman, M.; Ratta, A.; Nygaard, D. |
book | food, agriculture, and the environment discussion paper 25 |
14024 | Pest-smart practices and early warning system under climate change - A manual for rice and other crops | agriculture; climate change; abiotic; farmers practices; pests; diseases; early warning system; temperature; rainfall; rice; rodent; insect; humidity; crop rotations; sanitation | Costa, Arnaud; Sathis Sri Thanarajoo; Sivapragasam Annamalai |
book |