List of Books : 3873

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
308 Person to person managing: an executives's guide to working effectively with people motivation conflict management performance motivational impact book

196 Personnel: the human problems of management. job satisfaction technology industrial revolution performance appraisal mass production manpower planning organization managerial skills motivation leadership reward systems

Strauss, George; Sayles, Leonard R.


1849 Perspectives for world food security - Challenges for agricultural research. food security cereals imports food supply book

856 Perspectives on sustainable farming systems in upland areas sustainability sloping lands mechanization conservation practices resource management steep lands technologies citrus fruits book

900 Pest control in Asia and the Pacific : Report of the APO seminar, Tokyo, Japan, 24 September - 4 October, 1991 safety evaluation system pest control pesticides chemicals integrated pest management neem book

1388 Pest control safe for bees : A manual and directory for the tropics and subtropics. bee pollinators pesticides honeybees

Adey, M.; Walker, P.; Walker, P.T.


1852 Pest management and food production: Looking to the future. crop losses pests of plants pesticides environmental impact biological control biotechnology plant protection biopesticides genetic engineering integrated pest management

Yudelman, M.; Ratta, A.; Nygaard, D.

book food, agriculture, and the environment discussion paper 25

14024 Pest-smart practices and early warning system under climate change - A manual for rice and other crops agriculture; climate change; abiotic; farmers practices; pests; diseases; early warning system; temperature; rainfall; rice; rodent; insect; humidity; crop rotations; sanitation

Costa, Arnaud; Sathis Sri Thanarajoo; Sivapragasam Annamalai


1060 Pesticides rice productivity, and farmers' health: an economic assessment occupational hazards pesticides health pest control methods Oryza sativa crop protection integrated pest management policy

Rola, A.C.; Pingali, P.L.


13081 Pests and diseases of economically important crops in the Philippines plant diseases; insect pests; banana; beans; corn; cucurbits; squash; bitter gourd); eggplant; highland vegetables; onion; garlic; pepper; tomato; beans; okra; lady finger; squash; pesticide; pesticide residue management book