ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
13607 | Philippine national standard: Code Of Agricultural Practices (GAP) for coffee | coffee; water; composting; hulling; farm; fertilizer; fermentation; food safety; manure; waste management; soil conservation; pruning; pest and disease management | book |
13605 | Philippine national standard: Code of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) for banana | agricultural practices; standards; banana; farm location; production; farm maintenance; site management; cultural management; storage facilities; land preparation; drainage; irrigation; planting; fertilization; harvesting; packaging; transport; pesticide management; weed control | book |
13604 | Philippine national standard: Code of hygienic practice for gabi leaves | environmental hygiene; gabi leaves; water; manure; biosolids; fertilizer; pest and disease control; health; sanitary facilities; harvesting; handling; food hazards; hygiene control systems | book |
13606 | Philippine national standard: Code of Practice (COP) for the prevention and reduction of aflatoxin contamination in tree nuts | tree nuts; planting; harvesting; storage; HACCP | book |
13191 | Philippine national standard: Organic Agriculture | conversion; organic agriculture; crop production; animal production; beekeeping; recordkeeping | book |
13115 | Philippine native animals source of pride and wealth worth conserving and utilizing | native animals; native chicken; carabao; cattle; goats; horses; swine; ducks; pigs; species; corn; sweet sorghum; sweet potato; cassava; taro; cuisine; feeds; farm business; organic fertilizer | Santiago, Rene C.; Lambio, Angel L.; Dimaranan, Karen C.; |
book |
1655 | Philippine plan for gender-responsive development 1995-2025. | education human resources development health nutrition family planning urban development housing social welfare community development arts and culture labor justice employment media | book |
2893 | Philippine rats: Ecology and management. | rodents biology rat management economic impacts zoonotic parasites leptospirosis hantavirus infection community drive | Singleton, Grant R.; Joshi, Ravindra C.; Sebastian, Leocadio S. (eds.) |
book |
994 | Philippine recommends for duck raising | Philippines duck industry animal housing animal breeding feeds feeding practices disease prevention dressing meat eggs marketing feasibility study | book | pcarrd philippines recommends series no.22-a |
15157 | Philippine regulations for cross-border digital platforms: Impact and reform considerations | national innovation policy; regulations; electronic transactions; digital platforms; consumer protection; data privacy and protection; cybercrime; cybersecurity; intellectual property rights | Serzo, Aiken Larisa O. |
book | research paper series no. 2021-08 |