List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2763 Policy coherence in agricultural and rural development: Cambodia. agricultural development agricultural policy agricultural and rural development

Sothorn, Kem; Chhun, Chhim; Vuthy, Theng; Sovannarith, So

book cdri working paper series no. 55

3139 Policy conflicts and the performance of emissions trading markets: An adaptive agent-based analysis. emission trading policy

Bing Zhang; Yongliang Zhang

book eepsea research reports 2014-rr9

83 Policy development in the Philippines Philippines financial system financial reforms policy reforms budgeting development book nrcp policy series nos. 5-6

1248 Policy for the health sector. health status health services bank lending book

91 Policy issues in the adoption of grains postharvest technology: food security implications policy issues grains postharvest losses food security

Cruz, F.PL..; Lozada, E.P.

book cpds working paper no. 97-11

1189 Policy issues on postproduction systems on grains and perishables. postproduction losses losses financial support postharvest facilities

Lantican, F.A.; Toquero, Z.F.

book cpds working paper no. 86-09

115 Policy on confidentiality and disclosure of information: a guidebook policy implementation book

389 Policy on gender and development bank policy gender and development labor book

13 Policy on indigenous peoples. policy laws indigenous people book

1436 Policy options for Cambodia's Ream National Park: A stakeholder and economic analysis. national parks and reserves protected areas mangroves tourists socio-economic analysis households Ream National Park Cambodia

de Lopez, Thanakvaro Thyl

book eepsea research reports 2001-rr5