ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2388 | Potential of social capital for community development. | social capital community development rural development community empowerment irrigation management rural diversification income self-help groups economic development poverty reduction | book |
1068 | Potential use of biomass for energy purposes in Brazil up to the year 2000 | biogas wood gasification biofertilizer alcohol diesel oil vegetable oil Brazil energy purposes | book |
2497 | Potential yields and the efficiency of radiation use in rice. | rice yield radiation conversion losses photorespiration respiration harvest index | Mitchell, P.L.; Sheehy, J.E.; Woodward, F.I. |
book | irri discussion paper series no. 32 |
1752 | Potentials and constraints of banana-based farming systems : A case of an upland village in West Java. | farming systems farmers marketing channels | Goto, Junko; Mayrowani, Henny (eds.) |
book | jircas working report no. 29 |
3047 | Potentials for greenhouse gas mitigation in agriculture. | greenhouse gas mitigation agriculture land use global warming nitrogen fertilization irrigated rice production livestock husbandry fuel | book |
35 | Poverty and environment linkages in mountains and uplands: reflections on the 'poverty trap' thesis. | poverty environmental degradation population growth sustainability technological change | Sanjeev Prakash |
book | creed working paper no.12 |
2771 | Poverty and environment links: The case of rural Cambodia. | poverty climate change environmental degradation | Kimsun, Tong; Bopharath, Sry |
book | cdri working paper series no. 64 |
2393 | Poverty and governance: RAWOO lectures and 25th anniversary conference. | poverty poverty reduction research development economics biodiversity gender shrimp industry | book |
1879 | Poverty and water security: Understanding how water affects the poor. | water poverty water security gender governance economic growth livelihood environment water services disaster prevention water resources capacity development | Soussan, J.; Arriens, W.L. |
book | water for all, series 2 |
1964 | Poverty estimates in India: Some key issues. | poverty consumption expenditure India | Sharma, Savita |
book | erd working paper series no. 51 |