ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
334 | Poverty in the People's Republic of China: recent developments and scope for bank assistance | Poverty China | Moinuddin, K.H. |
book | adb occasional papers no.1 |
1614 | Poverty reduction and the role of institutions in developing Asia. | Poverty reduction political institutions | Deolalikar, Anil B.; Brillantes, Alex B. Jr.; Gaiha, Raghav; Pernia, Ernesto M.; Racelis, Mary |
book | erd working paper series no.10 |
2943 | Poverty reduction in coconut growing communities - Volume 1: The framework and project plan. | poverty reduction project achievements sustainable livelihoods framework project success stories participatory project evaluation project impact project sustainability Vietnam Fiji Papua New Guinea | Batugal, Pons; Oliver, Jeffrey; Coronel, Rodolfo E. |
book |
2276 | Poverty reduction in coconut growing communities - Volume 1: The framework and project plan. | poverty reduction plant genetic resources biodiversity conservation coconut growing income generating technologies Bangladesh India Sri Lanka Indonesia Philippines Vietnam Fiji Papua New Guinea | Batugal, Pons; Oliver, Jeffrey (eds.) |
book |
15710 | Poverty reduction through sustainable fisheries: Emerging policy and governance issues in Southeast Asia | aquaculture; poverty reduction; aquatic resource management; sustainable fisheries; seafood supply chain; poverty reduction; coastal marine resources | Briones, Roehlano M.; Garcia, Arnulfo G. |
book |
1612 | Poverty, growth, and inequality in Thailand. | Poverty economic growth inequality | Deolalikar, Anil B. |
book | erd working paper series no.8 |
13853 | Powering the Philippine economy - Electricity economics and policy | electric power; economic aspects; economic policy; electric utilities; energy policy; consumption; price; poverty; tariffs; value-added tax; red tape; power generation regulation; electric cooperatives; Philippines | book |
663 | Practical application of azolla for rice production | Azolla blue-green algae biofertilizers rice production | Silver, W.S.; Schroder, E.C. (eds.) |
book | developments in plant and soil sciences, volume 13 |
2883 | Practical methods for the quality control of inoculant biofertilisers. | plant growth promoting inoculant nitrogen fixation phosphorus indole acetic acid genetic identification immunoblotting occupational health and safety quality control | Deaker, Rosalind; et al. |
book | aciar monograph no. 147 |
2323 | Practical research on current issues: Studies on global perspectives in schools in Japan. | education curriculum development learning evaluation Japan | Lee Seung-Mi; Jung Hye-Won (eds.) |
book | eiu best case study series no.6 |