List of Books : 3873

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2943 Poverty reduction in coconut growing communities - Volume 1: The framework and project plan. poverty reduction project achievements sustainable livelihoods framework project success stories participatory project evaluation project impact project sustainability Vietnam Fiji Papua New Guinea

Batugal, Pons; Oliver, Jeffrey; Coronel, Rodolfo E.


2276 Poverty reduction in coconut growing communities - Volume 1: The framework and project plan. poverty reduction plant genetic resources biodiversity conservation coconut growing income generating technologies Bangladesh India Sri Lanka Indonesia Philippines Vietnam Fiji Papua New Guinea

Batugal, Pons; Oliver, Jeffrey (eds.)


15710 Poverty reduction through sustainable fisheries: Emerging policy and governance issues in Southeast Asia aquaculture; poverty reduction; aquatic resource management; sustainable fisheries; seafood supply chain; poverty reduction; coastal marine resources

Briones, Roehlano M.; Garcia, Arnulfo G.


1612 Poverty, growth, and inequality in Thailand. Poverty economic growth inequality

Deolalikar, Anil B.

book erd working paper series no.8

13853 Powering the Philippine economy - Electricity economics and policy electric power; economic aspects; economic policy; electric utilities; energy policy; consumption; price; poverty; tariffs; value-added tax; red tape; power generation regulation; electric cooperatives; Philippines book

663 Practical application of azolla for rice production Azolla blue-green algae biofertilizers rice production

Silver, W.S.; Schroder, E.C. (eds.)

book developments in plant and soil sciences, volume 13

2883 Practical methods for the quality control of inoculant biofertilisers. plant growth promoting inoculant nitrogen fixation phosphorus indole acetic acid genetic identification immunoblotting occupational health and safety quality control

Deaker, Rosalind; et al.

book aciar monograph no. 147

2323 Practical research on current issues: Studies on global perspectives in schools in Japan. education curriculum development learning evaluation Japan

Lee Seung-Mi; Jung Hye-Won (eds.)

book eiu best case study series no.6

1967 Practices of poverty measurement and poverty profile of Bangladesh. income expenditure poverty direct calorie intake food energy intake household income consumption expenditure cost of basic needs method Bangladesh

Faizuddin Ahmed

book erd working paper series no. 54

15841 Precision food processing: Addressing consumer demands for safety and quality through predictive model building food safety; governance; food and nutrition; social inclusion; food technology; ISARD

Gabriel, Alonzo A.

book searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2014-3