List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
12837 Plastic mulching made easier with a machine mulch plastic mulch mechanized installation

Sarian, Zac B.

book agriculture magazine

14193 PNRPS Philippine National REDD-Plus strategy - Proposals for responsible REDD-Plus in the Philippines climate change; forests; REDD; forest degradation; deforestation book

2968 Pocket guide: ASEAN heritage parks - The natural wonders of Southeast Asia. ASEAN heritage parks natural wonders book

1976 Point of view: Notes on economic development in the Lao PDR. economics education demand and supply market economy tourism economic development Lao PDR

Luther, H.U.


1776 Policies and issues on Philippine fisheries and aquatic resources : Proceedings of the Roundtable Discussion of Philippine Fisheries Policies and the Workshop on Territorial Use Rights in Fisheries. fisheries laws regulations investment policies territorial use rights aquaculture tenure import tariff rates prawn industry

Garcia, M.P. Jr. (ed.)

book pcamrd book series no. 14

270 Policies and programmes for rural employment generation in Asia Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Thailand rural employment employment industrialization rural areas policy formulation book

285 Policies and strategies for livestock development. Proceedings of the Regional Seminar held in Manila Philippines Jan 18-22, <1993> policies technologies development strategies livestock sustainability price policies rural credit

Mallery, Lynette (ed.)


1205 Policies, planning and management for agricultural development : Papers and reports. agricultural development planning economic planning economic analysis price formation trade policy book

1188 Policy agenda for the non-traditional agricultural exports. trade performance private sector foreign investors

Adriano, L.S.

book cpds working paper no. 86-08

2449 Policy and institutional priorities for sustainable agriculture and rural development: Results of a regional workshop of the SARD-FSE Project. sustainable agriculture rural development farming systems lowland rainfed rice nongovernmental organizations organic farming evolution book