List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1407 Philippines recommends for rice postproduction operations. Philippines rice production system harvesting threshing drying storage milling technology selection grading postproduction losses book philippines recommends series no. 63-a

11 Philippines Recommends for Watershed Management. Philippines watershed management river basins irrigation hydroelectric power soil fertility water use rehabilitation weather variables social forestry policy analysis book pcarrd technical bulletin series no. 72

13147 Philippines: In the forefront of the mud crab industry development husbandry; mud crab; Scylla serrata; feeds; feeding management; feed binder; water stability; digestibility; feed formulations; aquasilviculture; grow-out culture; biology; diseases; postharvest; aquasilviculture; mangrove structure; population; polyculture; genetics; ecology; genetic diversity; stock delineation; population structure; temperature tolerance; bioremediation; storage; transport; morphological deformities book

1238 Photoperiodism and related phenomena in plants and animals. photochemical properties action spectra light germination leaf growth mammals reptiles diurnal changes kinetic analysis gibberellic acid

Withrow, Robert B. (ed.)


839 Physic nut breeding and adaptability trials of crops in Northeast Thailand Physic nut plant breeding nuts flowering habit fruiting habit castor bean sunflower sweet potato wheat Indian mallow buckwheat Northeast Thailand

Hiroya Yoshida; Montien Somabhi

book technical paper no.14

2835 Physical and chemical properties of red and black soils of selected benchmark spots for carbon sequestration studies in semi-arid tropics of India. soils hydraulic conductivity clay carbonate pH land use systems

Bhattacharyya, T.; Chandran, P.; Ray, S.K.; Mandal, C.; Pal, D.K.; Venugopalan, M.V.; Durge, S.L.

book global theme on agroecosystems report no. 35

397 Physical sciences and history of physics physical sciences physics time symmetry quantum mechanics cosmology human endeavor photophysics Theory Reduction

Cohen, R.S.; Wartofsky, M.W. (eds.)


2255 Physio-genetic study on yield determination and ecological adaptability for sustainable rice culture. rice genomics trait loci grain quality stress resistance genetic enhancement floral morphology molecular marker dissection

Fukuta, Y.; Nozoe, T.; Ito, O. (eds.)

book jircas working report no. 46

422 Physiology and biochemistry of seeds in relation to germination viability longevity dormancy germination environmental control seeds orthodox seeds recalcitrant seeds

Bewley, J.D.; Black, M.


737 Physiology of stress tolerance in rice : Proceedings of the International Conference on Stress Physiology of Rice, 28 February - 5 March 1994, Lucknow, U.P., India cereals rainfed system anaerobic metabolism nutrient uptake rainfed lowland ecosystems modelling rice stress physiology salinity tolerance varietal characteristics

Singh, V.P.; Singh, R.K.; Singh, B.B.; Zeiger, R.S. (eds.)
