List of Books : 3873

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
874 Philippine crop protection policy: Implications for food safety and farm profitability in the vegetable sector food safety insecticide farm profits vegetable production crop protection policies

Rola, A.C.; Chupungco, A.R.; Roquia, F.H., Jr.; Tejada, A.W.; Hernandez, J.T.


1894 Philippine domestic shipping transport industry: State of competition and market structure. shipping industry policies liberalization government policies market structure competition cargo service interisland transport marine transport

Austria, Myrna S.

book pids research paper series no. 2003-02

14420 Philippine economic update - Investing in the future sharing growth and job opportunities for all typhoon reconstruction; poverty; employment; risks; financial markets; prices; monetary policy; fiscal policy; policies book

14423 Philippine economic update - Preserving consistency and policy commitment economic and policy developments; risks; poverty; labor force; exchange rate; financial markets; monetary policy; fiscal policy; employment; Mindanao book

14421 Philippine economic update - Pursuing inclusive growth through sustainable reconstruction and job creation poverty; employment; typhoon; financial markets; prices; monetary policy; fiscal policy; risks; policies; disaster risk financing; tourism industry; Yolanda typhoon book

2939 Philippine farm workers : Profile and status. farmworkers; benefits; demographic profile; rice industry farmworkers; corn industry farmworkers; coconut industry farmworkers; banana industry farmworkers; rubber industry farmworkers

Tecson, Eugene L.

book rural development review vol. 3 no. 1

16639 Philippine identities and digital humanities in the age of machines, social media, and artificial intelligence digital adoption; digital divide; technological disparities; social media; digital humanities; communication research; Philippines

Roman-Tamesis, Janice; Cruz, Frances Antoinette C.


1017 Philippine municipal fisheries: A review of resources, technology and socioeconomics municipal fisheries fishermen research technology socioeconomic indicators marketing development plan fishermen organizations

Smith, I.R.; Puzon, M.Y.; Vidal-Libunao, C.N.

book iclarm studies and reviews no.4

13607 Philippine national standard: Code Of Agricultural Practices (GAP) for coffee coffee; water; composting; hulling; farm; fertilizer; fermentation; food safety; manure; waste management; soil conservation; pruning; pest and disease management book

13605 Philippine national standard: Code of Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) for banana agricultural practices; standards; banana; farm location; production; farm maintenance; site management; cultural management; storage facilities; land preparation; drainage; irrigation; planting; fertilization; harvesting; packaging; transport; pesticide management; weed control book