List of Books : 3873

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2373 Participatory methods : Background information on terminology, approaches and common principles for agricultural rural development in the South Pacific. participatory approaches participatory rural appraisal rapid rural appraisal on-farm research farming systems development community development

Kronen, M.

book prap leaflet no. 11

2180 Participatory natural resource management for sustainable agriculture. environment sustainable development community resources analysis participatory landscape lifescape appraisal community organizing monitoring and evaluation geographic information systems policies communication

Espaldon, Ma. Victoria O.; Baltazar, Ma. Rowena M. (eds.)


2366 Participatory policy development for the lowland rainfed rice-based farming systems towards sustainable agriculture and rural development : A case study of Nueva Ecija, Philippines. rainfed lowland rice based farming system food security poverty reduction

Quizon, Antonio B.; Vargas, Danilo S.; Bravo, Marideth; Garcia, Arnulfo G.; Monsalud, Florentino C.; Manzanilla, Digna O.; Del Rosario, Beatriz


2229 Participatory processes for integrated watershed management. integrated watershed management participatory approaches gender land titling farmers' participation

Sharma, Prem N.

book pwmta-farm field document no.7

2214 Participatory research and development for sustainable agriculture and natural resource management: A sourcebook (Vols. 1-3). participatory research and development natural resources management social and gender equity indigenous knowledge property rights development communication sustainable rural development farmer innovation participatory technology development plant breeding poverty analysis market chain community-based natural resource management book

1437 Participatory rural appraisal of a coastal community: The process in Natipuan, Batangas, Philippines. needs assessment fishing villages rural development Natipuan Philippines

Lamug, C.B.; Catalan, Z.B.

book ermp reports no.20

3012 Participatory tools for adaptation planning. climate change adaptation climatic hazard book

1008 Pasteurellosis in production animals : Pasteurella multocida Pasteurella haemolytica animal diseases pathogenesis pathology epidemiology pasteurellosis pasteurella vaccine

Patten, B.E.; Spencer, T.L.; Johnson, R.B.; Hoffmann, D.; Lehane, L. (eds.)

book aciar proceedings no.43

884 Pathogenic root-infecting fungi plant diseases seedling diseases vascular wilt fungi root diseases

Garrett, S.D.


1302 Pathology in forestry. forest resources plant diseases forest pathology fungi seed pathology seedling diseases root diseases stem diseases foliage diseases forest protection

Eusebio, Mario A.
