List of Books : 3873

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
287 Oilseed production and marketing in Asia and the Pacific : Report of an APO Symposium, 11-18 December 1991, New Delhi, India. oil industry oilseeds agronomic management rice bran marketing prices economic analysis policy book

805 Oilseeds in Asia - Pacific region plant production oil seed production marketing Asia Oceania coconut production vegetable oil oil crops oilseed crops

Paroda, R.S.; Rai, M. (eds.)

book fao-rapa publication 1993/15

2989 Old livelihoods under new climate: Assessing potential adaptation strategies in Gubat, Sorsogon and Labo, Camarines Norte, Philippines. livelihoods climate change rural household socioeconomic

Maria Victoria O. Espaldon; Zenaida M. Sumalde; Lynie B. Dimasuay; Jaime Kim Bayani Arias; Andre E. Quiray; Jesamine F. Rebugio

book eepsea 2014-srg1

573 On-farm research manual: Crop-livestock systems Crop-animal interactions community participation planning statistical analysis book

1496 On-farm research manual: Cropping systems research Research Cropping systems Technology Variety trials Fertilizer trial Insect control Disease control Weed control Trials Land preparation lowland upland hillyland data collection yield analysis cost and return analysis book

567 On-farm research manual: Feedback Mechanism farming systems research feedback mechanism linkage mechanism book

576 On-farm research manual: Fisheries : Guidelines in the conduct of yield trials of fisheries technology and for the assessment/enhancement of fisheries resources. Guidelines in the conduct of yield trials of fisheries technology and for the assessment/enhancement of fisheries resources. aquaculture marine fishery resources resource assessment

Fortes, R.D.


568 On-farm research manual: Organizing multidisciplinary teams: Basic considerations and guidelines Farming systems team organizing book

577 On-farm research manual: Overview and directions of agricultural research agricultural research extension policy formulation monitoring systems linkages book

574 On-farm research manual: Pilot production programs - The pre-production phase technology net benefit farmers association education book