List of Books : 3873

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
636 Multiple cropping in the humid tropics of Asia multiple cropping upland crops cropping patterns technology verification

Gomez, A.A.; Gomez, K.A.


691 Multipurpose tree species research for small farms: strategies and methods : Proceedings of an International Conference held November 20-23, 1989 in Jakarta, Indonesia uses demand market potentials economic feasibility fuelwood production small scale farmers sustainable agriculture rattan bamboo extension training needs multipurpose tree

Hauegn, C.; Medema, L.; Lantican, C.B. (eds.)


692 Multipurpose trees: selection and testing for agroforestry multipurpose tree testing selection agroforestry technologies research formulation

Huxley, Peter A.; Westley, Sidney B. (eds)


1587 Mungbean varieties. Land preparation water management fertilization crop protection pests of plants plant diseases weed control harvesting soybeans varieties

Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry & Natural Resources Research & Devt

book information bulletin no. 223/2002

866 Mungbean yellow mosaic diseases : Proceedings of an International workshop, Bangkok, Thailand, 2-3 July 1991 Vigna radiata plant viruses mungbeans growth yellow mosaic insect pests

Green, S.K.; Doo-Hwan Kim


1419 Municipal agricultural and health extension performance in Laguna : Results of a 1998 survey.

Bergonia, Celsa B.

book working paper no. 00-02

2300 Myanmar agriculture at a glance: 2006. climate population land resources water resources crop production agricultural input agro-industries agricultural export livestock forestry book

3121 Myanmar agriculture in brief : 2015. main cultivated crops in Myanmar Myanmar country data reform measures agricultural inputs international assistance book

2301 Myanmar agriculture IN BRIEF: 2007. cotton production population sugarcane coffee crop production soybean rubber agricultural inputs agricultural mechanization book

14120 Myanmar climate-smart agriculture strategy agriculture; food security; nutrition; agricultural production; policies; climate change adaptation; mitigation; climate change vulnerabilities; climate smart agriculture; vulnerabilities; climate risks; social mobilization; Myanmar book