List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
738 Modern rice technology and income distribution in Asia Rice Income distribution Income Land reform Varietal improvements Asia

David, C.C.; Keijiro Otsuka (ed.)


1649 Modernization and son preference in People's Republic of China. gender biases household spending

Burgess, Robin; Juzhong Zhuang

book erd working paper series no.20

189 Modernizing agriculture. Philippines modern agriculture land irrigation technology credit marketing farm fish products agriculture environment education training fishers farmers laws financing book

3081 Modernizing national agricultural extension systems: A practical guide for policy-makers of developing countries. extension practices globalization market liberalization pluralism decentralization disasters information technology HIV AIDS epidemic

M. Kalim Qamar


2549 Modernizing Philippine agriculture and fisheries: The AFMA implementation experience. agriculture fisheries agricultural laws and legislation Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act agricultural marketing fiscal incentives irrigation credit postharvest facilities budget product standardization consumer safety research-extension linkage bureaucracy human resource development rural non-farm employment

Dy, Rolando T.; Gonzales, Leonardo A.; Bonifacio, Manuel F.; David, Wilfredo P.; De Vera, J. Prospero E. III; Lantican, Flordeliza A.; Llanto, Gilberto M.


611 Modification of soil structure clay particles soil geometry soil bonding soil stability soil management soil structure

Emerson, W.W.; Bond, R.D.; Dexter, A.R. (eds.)


5 Modified BEAM rubber agroforestry models: RRYIELD and RRECON. latex yield girth fire

Grist, P.; Menz, K.; Thomas (eds.)

book aciar technical reports 42

780 Molecular methods for potato improvement : Report of the Planning Conference on "Application of Molecular Techniques to Potato Germplasm Enhancement," Lima, Peru, 5-9 March 1990 Report of the Planning Conference on "Application of Molecular Techniques to Potato Germplasm Enhancement," Lima, Peru, 5-9 March 1990 Molecular biology Solanum tuberosum Nucleic compounds Enzymes Solanaceae Genetic engineering Bacteria Potato book

1596 Monetary and financial cooperation in East Asia : The Chiang Mai initiative and beyond. Financial cooperation exchange rate policies

Rana, Pradumna B.

book erd working paper series no. 6

1609 Monetary cooperation in East Asia : A survey. Currency unions exchange rate monetary cooperation costs and benefits

Fabella, Raul

book erd working paper series no.13