List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
447 Microbiology microorganisms bacteria viruses bacterial metabolism protozoa algae molds yeasts infectious disease

Carpenter, Philip L.


418 Microclimate measurement for ecologists temperature radiation humidity wind

Unwin, D.M.

book biological techniques series

244 Microcomputers: as management tools in the sugar cane industry Microcomputers management tools sugarcane industry budgeting financial planning payroll processing

Alvarez, J.


19 Microeconomics: resource allocation and price theory. economic theory consumption economics economic consumption cost relationships general equilibrium

Redman, Barbara J.; Redman, John C.


1613 Microfinance in Northeast Thailand : Who benefits and how much. Who benefits and how much. Nongovernmental organizations microfinance programs

Coleman, Brett E.

book erd working paper series no.9

1577 Micronutrient deficiencies of crops in Asia crop production micronutrients iron deficiency manganese deficiency zinc deficiency boron deficiency micronutrient toxicities

Zueng-Sang Chen; Chiu, William T.F.; Petersen, Jan Bay (eds.)


1125 Mid-tern Review of UNDP's Fifth Inter- Country Programme for Asia and Pacific on Environment and Natural Resources Management Theme sustainable development natural resource management environment

Sajise, Percy E.


2342 Milkfish production and processing technologies in the Philippines. milkfish technology development hatchery broodstock milkfish tank hatchery production pond preparation harvesting postharvest handling pen and cage production processing technologies

Yap, Wilfredo G.; Villaluz, Antonio C.; Soriano, Ma. Grace G.; Santos, Mary Nia

book milkfish project publication series no. 2

2861 Millennium development goal of halving poverty in the Asia and the Pacific region: Progress, prospects and priorities. poverty indigenous people women agricultural productivity microfinance

Gaiha, Raghav; Imai, Katsushi; Nandhi, Mani A.


15617 Mindoro treasures: Teaching reference for environment awareness and sustainable use of resources biodiversity; environment awareness; sustainability; teaching strategies; learning activities; Mindoro; Philippines book