List of Books : 3873

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1191 Managing today and tomorrow. management decision making communication planning techniques control process conflict leadership

Johnson, T.W.; Stinson, J.E.


2436 Mango production manual. mango seeds scion orchard pruning weeding fertilization irrigation flower induction fruit bagging integrated pest management disease pests pesticide management harvesting packinghouse mango processing plant mango nectar mango puree mango fruit bar book pcarrd book series no. 167-c/2006

2005 Mangosteen production. mangosteen plant production uses botanical description propagation cultural requirements plant protection harvesting storage fertilizer application

Javier, F.B.


1780 Mangrove forest management guidelines. mangrove uses remote sensing surveys harvesting regeneration artificial regeneration yield environmental impact species delta formation fauna policy book fao forestry paper 117

181 Mangrove forests: a valuable but threatened Indo-Pacific resource wildlife habitat distribution mangroves environmental stresses pollution economic value book adb agriculture department staff paper no. 5

925 Mangrove productivity mangroves South East Asia benthic productivity secondary productivity mangrove tree productivity techniques reforestation leaf litter production book pcarrd book series no.127

15832 Mangrove rehabilitation in Ticao Island, Masbate, Philippines mangrove forest assessment; mangrove rehabilitation; species composition

Calumpong, Hilconida P.; Cadiz, Pablina L.

book searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2012-4

2185 Manila street children : A closer look on their vulnerability and strength. street children risks education discipline

Bacos, Felicitas F.; Ramirez, Ma. Anna Rita M.; Dungo, Nanette G.


16367 Manlilikha ng bayan: Teaching modules on the works of our national living treasures traditional arts; folk crafts; heritage; literature; music; speech; graphic design; advertising; smithing; weaving; farming; hat making; Philippines book

162 Manpower policy agenda for appropriate agricultural mechanization manpower development agricultural mechanization investments education technology transfer

Cruz, Felisa P.L.

book rtpap working paper series no.90-04