List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2369 Malaysia's peat swamp forests: Conservation and sustainable use. peat swamp forest forests wetlands Malaysia book

1004 Malignant catarrhal fever in Asian livestock catarrhal fever animal diseases

Daniels, P.W.; Sudarisman; Purnomo Ronohardjo (eds.)

book aciar monograph no.7

114 Management by Objectives: a self-instructional approach Management by Objectives MBO

Giegold, William C.


2079 Management challenges for the 21st century. management information challenges leader performance global competitiveness creating change information revolution manual work quality productivity

Drucker, Peter F.


2942 Management effectiveness of ASEAN heritage parks: A study report. heritage parks; VIrachey National Park; Kerinci-Seblat National Park; Kinabalu National Park; Taman Negara Pahang; Khao Yai National Park

Ani Mardiastuti; Alfa Ratu Simarangkir; Mirza Dikari Kusrini; Damayanti Buchori; Indrawan Suryadi


615 Management of clay soils for rainfed lowland rice-based cropping systems clay soils soil properties puddling cropping systems crop establishment sowing techniques dibbling technique soil management direct seeding soil compaction

Kirchhof, G.; So, H.B. (eds.)


15525 Management of colleges and universities of science and technology distance education; resource generation; governance; science and technology; universities; colleges; SCU; higher education; institution building; governance; leadership; decentralization; centralized management system; academic programs; research and extension program

Bernardo, Fernando A.


898 Management of fruit flies in the Pacific fruit flies Southeast Asia Tropical Asia losses quarantine heat treatment heat tolerance biological control book aciar proceedings no.76

546 Management of intergroup linkages for agricultural technology systems Case studies Diffusion of research Extension activities Management Research Technology transfer book isnar linkages discussion paper no.12

165 Management of irrigation facilities in Asia and the Pacific Indonesia Malaysia Thailand irrigation management drainage farming land improvement book