ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2369 | Malaysia's peat swamp forests: Conservation and sustainable use. | peat swamp forest forests wetlands Malaysia | book |
1004 | Malignant catarrhal fever in Asian livestock | catarrhal fever animal diseases | Daniels, P.W.; Sudarisman; Purnomo Ronohardjo (eds.) |
book | aciar monograph no.7 |
114 | Management by Objectives: a self-instructional approach | Management by Objectives MBO | Giegold, William C. |
book |
2079 | Management challenges for the 21st century. | management information challenges leader performance global competitiveness creating change information revolution manual work quality productivity | Drucker, Peter F. |
book |
2942 | Management effectiveness of ASEAN heritage parks: A study report. | heritage parks; VIrachey National Park; Kerinci-Seblat National Park; Kinabalu National Park; Taman Negara Pahang; Khao Yai National Park | Ani Mardiastuti; Alfa Ratu Simarangkir; Mirza Dikari Kusrini; Damayanti Buchori; Indrawan Suryadi |
book |
615 | Management of clay soils for rainfed lowland rice-based cropping systems | clay soils soil properties puddling cropping systems crop establishment sowing techniques dibbling technique soil management direct seeding soil compaction | Kirchhof, G.; So, H.B. (eds.) |
book |
15525 | Management of colleges and universities of science and technology | distance education; resource generation; governance; science and technology; universities; colleges; SCU; higher education; institution building; governance; leadership; decentralization; centralized management system; academic programs; research and extension program | Bernardo, Fernando A. |
book |
898 | Management of fruit flies in the Pacific | fruit flies Southeast Asia Tropical Asia losses quarantine heat treatment heat tolerance biological control | book | aciar proceedings no.76 |
546 | Management of intergroup linkages for agricultural technology systems | Case studies Diffusion of research Extension activities Management Research Technology transfer | book | isnar linkages discussion paper no.12 |
165 | Management of irrigation facilities in Asia and the Pacific | Indonesia Malaysia Thailand irrigation management drainage farming land improvement | book |