ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
16367 | Manlilikha ng bayan: Teaching modules on the works of our national living treasures | traditional arts; folk crafts; heritage; literature; music; speech; graphic design; advertising; smithing; weaving; farming; hat making; Philippines | book |
162 | Manpower policy agenda for appropriate agricultural mechanization | manpower development agricultural mechanization investments education technology transfer | Cruz, Felisa P.L. |
book | rtpap working paper series no.90-04 |
748 | Manual for hybrid rice seed production | Oryza sativa seed formation seed hybrid isolation techniques seed production yield transplanting seedlings seed drying harvesting roguing threshing | Virmani, S.S.; Sharma, H.L. |
book |
764 | Manual for performance trials of forage and pasture crops | Philippines forage crop pasture crop legumes grasses on-farm trial ecological test | book | pcarrd book series no. 112 |
2495 | Manual for testing insecticides on rice. | rice insecticide insect control insect damage fumigation spraying foliar spray broadcast application | Heinrichs, E.A.; Chelliah, S.; Valencia, S.L.; Arceo, M.B.; Fabellar, L.T.; Aquino, G.B.; Pickin, S. |
book |
14263 | Manual in GIS mapping using Manifold | GIS mapping | book |
3126 | Manual of good practices in small scale irrigation in the Sahel. | small-scale irrigation infrastructure processing marketing | Dieter Nill; Godihald Mushinzimana |
book |
869 | Manual of ricefield weeds in the Philippines | taxa weeds families scietific names | Pancho, J.V.; Obein, S.R. |
book |
2615 | Manual of seed handling in genebanks. | germplasm acquisition germplasm registration seed cleaning seed moisture content seed drying quality testing packaging storage germplasm distribution germplasm monitoring | Rao, N. Kameswara; Hanson, Jean; Dulloo, M. Ehsan; Ghosh, Kakoli; Nowell, David; Larinde, Michael |
book | handbooks for genebanks no. 8 |
13079 | Manual on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) | horticultural production system; farm management; food safety; environmental conservation; quality management systems; safety hazards; soil management; plant protection products; fertilizer application; pest management; integrated pest management; integrated crop management; risk assessment | Kit Chan |
book |