List of Books : 3873

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
748 Manual for hybrid rice seed production Oryza sativa seed formation seed hybrid isolation techniques seed production yield transplanting seedlings seed drying harvesting roguing threshing

Virmani, S.S.; Sharma, H.L.


764 Manual for performance trials of forage and pasture crops Philippines forage crop pasture crop legumes grasses on-farm trial ecological test book pcarrd book series no. 112

2495 Manual for testing insecticides on rice. rice insecticide insect control insect damage fumigation spraying foliar spray broadcast application

Heinrichs, E.A.; Chelliah, S.; Valencia, S.L.; Arceo, M.B.; Fabellar, L.T.; Aquino, G.B.; Pickin, S.


14263 Manual in GIS mapping using Manifold GIS mapping book

3126 Manual of good practices in small scale irrigation in the Sahel. small-scale irrigation infrastructure processing marketing

Dieter Nill; Godihald Mushinzimana


869 Manual of ricefield weeds in the Philippines taxa weeds families scietific names

Pancho, J.V.; Obein, S.R.


2615 Manual of seed handling in genebanks. germplasm acquisition germplasm registration seed cleaning seed moisture content seed drying quality testing packaging storage germplasm distribution germplasm monitoring

Rao, N. Kameswara; Hanson, Jean; Dulloo, M. Ehsan; Ghosh, Kakoli; Nowell, David; Larinde, Michael

book handbooks for genebanks no. 8

13079 Manual on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) horticultural production system; farm management; food safety; environmental conservation; quality management systems; safety hazards; soil management; plant protection products; fertilizer application; pest management; integrated pest management; integrated crop management; risk assessment

Kit Chan


14152 Manual on good manufacturing practice (GMP) guidelines for mussel depuration food law; food safety; hygiene; mussel; bacterial decontamination; depuration facility; book pcaarrd information bulletin no. 98/2018

2886 Manual on vulnerability assessment of watersheds. watersheds climate change hazards landslides soil erosion forest fire deforestation water pollution biodiversity loss assessment

Daño, Antonio M.; Baltazar, Eliseo M. (eds.)
