ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
1224 | Memorandum Circular No.23: Clarifying roles and activities for the beneficiaries development program. | book |
1226 | Memorandum Circular No.26, Series of 1996 : Implementing policies and guidelines on the availment of credit assistance program for program beneficiaries development (CAP-PBD). | Implementing policies and guidelines on the availment of credit assistance program for program beneficiaries development (CAP-PBD). | agrarian reform financial assistance | book |
1227 | Memorandum Circular No.27, Series of 1996 : Revised system and procedures for the issuance, utilization and accounting of EP/CLOA judicial forms and the utilization and control of signing machines. | Revised system and procedures for the issuance, utilization and accounting of EP/CLOA judicial forms and the utilization and control of signing machines. | emancipation patents land ownership | book |
2525 | Mercury pollution due to small-scale gold mining in the Philippines: An economic analysis. | gold mining environmental degradation mercury gold processing amalgamation economic valuation carbon-in-pulp health impact laws | Israel, Danilo C.; Asirot, Jasminda P. |
book | pids research paper series no. 2002-02 |
15766 | Meta-analysis of SEARCA's food security initiatives | climate change; food security | Depositario, Dinah Pura T.; Custodio, Henry M.; Burgos, Bessie M. |
book |
3133 | Metadata for national agricultural statistics in the Philippines. | crops livestock and poultry fisheries macroeconomic statistics trade food consumption prices fertilizer and pesticide land use | book |
934 | Meteorology and agroforestry | agroforestry system climate crop simulation models solar radiation mulching rainfall distribution windbreaks soil erosion intercropping | Reifsnyder, W.S.; Darnhofer, T.O. (eds.) |
book |
1275 | Methane emissions from major rice ecosystems in Asia : Developments in plant and soil sciences, Volume 91. | Developments in plant and soil sciences, Volume 91. | methane emissions crop management GIS crop soil simulation | Wassmann, R.; Lantin, R.S.; Neue, Heinz-Ulrich (eds.) |
book |
1712 | Methane emissions from major rice ecosystems in Asia. | methane emissions irrigated rice fields nitrous oxide GIS techniques | Wassmann, Reiner; Lantin, Rhoda S.; Ulrich Neue, Heinz (eds.) |
book |
2806 | Methodologies for ex-ante assessment of crop biotechnology products. | biotechnology products technology commercialization technology adoption genetically modified crops | Rola, Agnes C.; Elazegui, Dulce D. |
book |