List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2459 Medicinal plants of Nepal: Supplement volume. medicinal plants distribution description Nepal book

2312 Medicinal plants of the Philippines. medicinal plants botanical description chemical constituents uses remedies

Quisumbing, Eduardo


1199 Medium-term Philippine development plan 1993-1998. human development financing agri-industrial development infrastructure development book

2787 Meeting of Experts on NFE Policy and Programme for the Promotion of EFA (Education for All), Tokyo, 11-12 December 2009 - Final Report. education sustainable development adult education book

2850 Meeting the commitments on oceans, coasts, and small island developing states made at the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development : How well are we doing? - Co-Chairs' Report - Volume 1 - Third Global Conference on Oceans, Coasts, and Islands: Moving coastal and ocean management marine environment environmental protection biodiversity marine protected areas small islands integrated water resource management marine assessment millennium development goals

Cicin-Sain, Biliana; Vandeweerd, Veerle; Bernal, Patricio A.; Williams, Lindsey C.; Balgos, Miriam C.


14 Megacities: environmental challenges in the 21st century. population trends gross domestic product GDP land encroachment water supply sanitation solid waste disposal traffic congestion air pollution urban environment degradation book

2956 Melaleucas: Their botany, essentials oils and uses. Melaleucas botany essential oils fuelwood ethnobotanical extractives propagation pests and diseases silviculture conservation

Brophy, Joseph J.; Craven, Lyndley A.; Doran, John C.


1223 Memorandum Circular No. 19 : Guidelines and procedures governing the monitoring of violations or circumventions committed by the agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBS), providing sanctions therefor and filing of appropriate laws agrarian reform book

1222 Memorandum Circular No.04, Series of 1996 : Expedited processing of applications for conversion and exemption through the socialized housing one stop processing center pursuant to E.O. No. 184, Series of 1994. book

1225 Memorandum Circular No.18 : Clarificatory guidelines in the manner of generating and issuing emancipation patents/certificates of land ownership award (EPS/CLOAS) to qualified agrarian reform beneficiaries and their spouses ... Clarificatory guidelines in the manner of generating and issuing emancipation patents/certificates of land ownership award (EPS/CLOAS) to qualified agrarian reform beneficiaries and their spouses ... book