List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2194 Maize in Vietnam: Production systems, constraints, and research priorities. seed production maize varieties hybrids food crops food security farming systems rural areas farmers poverty utilization production cropping patterns soil management postharvest practices land preparation labor use

Dang Thanh Ha; Tran Dinh Thao; Nguyen Tri Khiem; Mai Xuan Trieu; Gerpacio, Roberta V.; Pingali, Prabhu L.


3128 Major crops statistics of the Philippines. palay corn coconut sugarcane banana pineapple coffee mango tobacco abaca peanut mungbean cassava sweet potato cabbage rubber calamansi eggplant onion bulb garlic book

1857 Major issues for nutrition strategies: Summary. food security food quality food safety infectious diseases micronutrient deficiencies policies food supply book

1307 Makabagong pag-aalaga ng manok na tagalog. Native chicken animal production animal husbandry animal feeding book pcarrd farm primer no.23/2001

2315 Make learning easier: A guide for improving educational/training materials. training materials education materials book

2188 Making a difference : Success stories and best practices on biotechnology in the Philippines. biotechnology food labeling intellectual property rights government institutions rice coconut papaya tomato eggplant Bt cotton scientists entrepreneurship

Fernandez, Lourdes M.; Mayuga, Jonathan L.; Paredes, Joel C.; Resureccion, Lyn; Rillorta, Eltheodon R.; Salvador, Roja C.


380 Making education work, Book 1, Areas of concern in Philippine education, Vol. 1 - Education and manpower development programs Philippines education tertiary education elementary education secondary education non-formal education teachers book

379 Making education work, Book 1, Areas of concern in Philippine education, Vol. 2 - Teacher welfare, compensation and benefits Philippines teachers compensation benefits training book

378 Making education work, Book 1, Areas of concern in Philippine education, Vol. 4 - Governance and Management Philippines educational system educational policies systems governance organizational system human resource development DECS book

377 Making education work, Book 1, Areas of concern in Philippine education, Vol. 5 - The financing of Philippine education education, government investment, financial management, higher education, vocational education, Philippines, book