List of Books : 3873

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
643 Land clearing and development in the tropics land development land clearing methods ecosystem soil management socioeconomic aspects soil fertility soil erosion soil conservation

Lal, R.; Sanchez, P.A.; Cummings, R.W., Jr. (eds.)


1770 Land conservation for future generations : Proceedings of the Fifth International Soil Conservation Conference, 18-29 January 1988, Bangkok, Thailand. water erosion wind erosion soil conservation technology transfer watershed soil survey forest management gully management mapping computers

Rimwanich, Sanarn (ed.)


15899 Land of food: The Peace and Equity Foundation – Malaga Cuenca Agrarian Reform Cooperative (PEF-MACARBEN) agrarian reform-block farming case study agrarian reform; sugarcane; block farming; value chain analysis; MACARBEN; Negros Occidental

Barreiro, Ernest, Guinto, Wilma; Tacubanza, Elaine; Abrina, Tara

book up cids discussion paper 2023-02

92 Land resources management for food security: policy issues, recommendations and action plan land resources land use food security policy reforms environmental degradation land classification

Fernandez, N.C.; Rañola, R.F.; Badayos, R.B.

book cpds working paper no. 97-10

1916 Land tenure and policy issues in land use planning : with special reference to Southern and Eastern Africa (Proceedings). land tenure land policy property rights land administration land development conflict resolution land use planning

Kirk, M.; Loffler, U.; Petermann, T. (eds.)


15158 Land tenure, access to credit, and agricultural performance of agrarian reform beneficiaries, farmer-beneficiaries, and other rural workers agricultural credit supply, agricultural credit demand; crop type; household characteristics; farm area; agricultural performance; assets

Galang, Ivory Myka R.

book research paper series no. 2021-07

15224 Land use change in tropical watersheds: Evidence, causes and remedies land use; case studies; watershed management; economic development; watershed degradation; agricultural development; water quality changes; economic incentives; soil erosion; payments for environmental services; economic policies; Philippines

Coxhead, Ian; Shively, Gerald


132 Land use conversion policies and the comprehensive agrarian reform program Philippines Agrarian reform land use conversion policies

Penalba, Linda M.

book iast occasional papers series no.34

1128 Land use management policy for sustainable agriculture sustainable agriculture land use

Sajise, Percy E.


2643 Landcare: Communities shaping the land and the future. landcare land use soil conservation citizen participation

Campbell, Andrew
