List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1128 Land use management policy for sustainable agriculture sustainable agriculture land use

Sajise, Percy E.


2643 Landcare: Communities shaping the land and the future. landcare land use soil conservation citizen participation

Campbell, Andrew


1118 Landscape ecology as an approach in the study of upland-lowland interaction rural landscape landscape ecology

Sajise, Percy E.


1110 Landscape study in agricultural and rural transformation sustainable development watershed management

Sajise, Percy E.


2560 Language, nation and development in Southeast Asia. language literature national development politics media policy Philippines Malaysia Indonesia Singapore Myanmar Thailand

Lee Hock Guan; Leo Suryadinata (eds.)


1995 Lantana: Current management status and future prospects. Lantana weeds taxonomy weed control biological control chemical control mechanical control species

Day, M.D.; Wiley, C.J.; Playford, J.; Zalucki, M.P.

book aciar monograph 102

78 Lao economic reform & WTO accession: implications for agriculture and rural development Laos policy economic conditions agriculture economic aspects rural development World Trade Organization WTO

Anderson, Kym


2400 Lao PDR - Gender, poverty and the MDGs - Country gender strategy. gender poverty human resource development livelihood employment infrastructure governance regional cooperation national laws policies gender equality book

13995 Lao PDR energy statistics 2018 energy; energy consumption; demand and supply; Lao PDR

Ministry of Energy and Mines, Lao PDR


1473 Laws and legal issuances relevant to sustainable land use planning and management, Volume 6 : Guidebook on sustainable land use planning and management. land use planning laws legislation environmental management agriculture forestry socio-economic development biodiversity conservation water quality management pollution transportation traffic management mining waste management fisheries sustainable development energy flood control calamities Philippines book sustainable development series