List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
721 IRRI 1990-1991: a continuing adventure in rice research Oryza sativa rice ecosystems germplasm conservation research programs information exchange training networks book

717 IRRI Rice Almanac: 1993-1995 rice genetic diversity rice production morphology rainfed lowland ecosystems upland ecosystem growth book

166 Irrigation association for participatory management in Asia Philippines irrigation drainage system irrigation associations water users irrigation management policies participatory approach book

645 Irrigation principles and practices irrigation irrigation water drainage wells water measurement trickle irrigation soil moisture

Hansen, Vaughn E.; Israelsen, Orson W.; Stringham, Glen E.


2757 Irrigation water productivity in Cambodian rice systems. irrigation water productivity

Wokker, Christopher; Santos, Paulo; Bansok, Ros; Griffiths, Kate

book cdri working paper series no. 51

1961 Is export-led growth passe? Implications for developing Asia. export-led growth domestic demand-led growth Asia

Felipe, Jesus

book erd working paper series no. 48

589 Is the Philippines underinvesting in agriculture and natural resources research? Philippines research and development agriculture commodity investment book pcarrd information bulletin no.20

1963 Is the rising services sector in the People's Republic of China leading to cost disease?. labor productivity economic growth China

Duo Qin

book erd working paper series no. 50

2630 Islam in Southeast Asia: Political, social and strategic challenges for the 21st century. Islam politics governance civil society gender issues modernization globalization

Nathan, K.S.; Kamali, Mohammad Hashim (eds.)


697 Isozymes in plant genetics and breeding, Part A Plant isozymes Plant breeding electrophoretic enzymes genes plant genetics gene mapping

Tanksley, Steven D.; Orton, Thomas J. (eds.)

book developments in plant genetics and breeding, 1a