List of Books : 3864

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1963 Is the rising services sector in the People's Republic of China leading to cost disease?. labor productivity economic growth China

Duo Qin

book erd working paper series no. 50

2630 Islam in Southeast Asia: Political, social and strategic challenges for the 21st century. Islam politics governance civil society gender issues modernization globalization

Nathan, K.S.; Kamali, Mohammad Hashim (eds.)


697 Isozymes in plant genetics and breeding, Part A Plant isozymes Plant breeding electrophoretic enzymes genes plant genetics gene mapping

Tanksley, Steven D.; Orton, Thomas J. (eds.)

book developments in plant genetics and breeding, 1a

698 Isozymes in plant genetics and breeding, Part B Barley Hexaploid Rye Triticale oats rice tomato potato tobacco peppers petunia Alfalfa soybean sunflowers cole crops Cucurbits strawberry fruit trees eucalyptus conifers

Tanksley, Steven D.; Orton, Thomas J. (eds.)

book developments in plant genetics and breedings, 1b

1583 Issues in the management of agricultural resources Ecological resources sustainable agriculture food supply and demand policy issues livestock waste sustainable development land resources water resources genetic resources remote sensing plant nutrition management recycling book

36 Issues of infrastructural development: a synthesis of the literature. infrastructure empirical studies resource allocation

Raisuddin Ahmed; Donovan, C.


15906 Issues, challenges, and opportunities in sustainable tourism development in Central Visayas: Specific and common concerns of Cebu and Bohol sustainable tourism; ecotourism; cultural tourism; multi-stakeholder partnerships; Central Visayas; Philippines

Espiritu, Belinda F.; Lawas, Cora Jane C.

book up cids discussion paper 2019-06

2868 It's our only PLANET! - Education for sustainable development through planet in Asia and the Pacific : Final report on Review and Sharing Workshop for the Effective Development of PLANET Programme, 3-6 October 2006, Tokyo, Japan. sustainable development education book

1822 ITTO guidelines on the conservation of biological diversity in tropical production forests : A supplement to ITTO guidelines for the sustainable management of natural tropical forests. biodiversity policy legislation forests conservation book itto policy development series no. 5

2491 Japan's role in tropical rice research : A summary report of a seminar sponsored by The Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Kyushu University and The International Rice Research Institute, held 27 September 1980, Kyushu University, Japan. rice cultivation paddy soil fertility nitrogen mineralization virus diseases vector insects hybridization book