ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2951 | Integrating conflict and disaster risk reduction into education sector planning. | disaster risk reduction conflict risk reduction Education Sector Strategic Plan guidance notes Education Sector Diagnosis | book |
13182 | Integrating gender into environmental economics research: Lessons from EEPSEA studies | gender; environment; natural resources; economics; farmers; rice terraces; coastal resource management; adaptive capacity; typhoon; Masinloc; Zambales; Camarines Sur | book |
2828 | Integrating herbaceous legumes into crop and livestock systems in eastern Indonesia. | herbaceous legumes plant production cereals seed production | Nulik, Jacob; Dalgliesh, Neal; Cox, Kendrick; Gabb, Skye (eds.) |
book | aciar monograph no. 154 |
2322 | Integrating international human rights standards into school curriculum, textbooks, teachers' guides and school climate in Cambodia. | education human rights curriculum Cambodia | Lee Seung-Mi; Jung Hye-Won (eds.) |
book | eiu best case study series no.8 |
2157 | Integrating knowledge for river basin management : Progress in Thailand. | water resources assessment natural resource management integrated assessment crop yield water use land use soil loss socioeconomic impacts decision models | Jakeman, A.J.; Letcher, R.A.; Rojanasoonthon, S.; Cuddy, S. (eds.) |
book |
382 | Integrating postharvest technology into agriculture education | postharvest technology agriculture curriculum educational programs postharvest practices extension | book |
1600 | Integrating risk into ADB's economic analysis of projects. | Risk analysis economic analysis poverty reduction | Rayner, Nigel |
book | erd technical note series no. 2 |
44 | Integration of environmental considerations in the program cycle. | environment natural resources planning natural resources management environmental legislation | book | adb environment paper no.5 |
1158 | Integration of environmental considerations regional and local planning: the Philippine experience | environmental planning development strategies regional planning | Sajise, Percy E.; Ruscoe, Mariliza T. |
book |
15822 | Integration of GIS and AHP techniques for analyzing land use suitability in Di Linh District, upstream Dong Nai watershed, Vietnam | geographic information system; land cover change; land use; watershed; Vietnam | Nguyen Kim Loi; Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy; Nguyen Thi Huyen; Vu Minh Tuan |
book | searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2010-2 |