List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2324 Inculcating social responsibility in Thai youth: A case study on Sister Schools Project Network under UNESCO ASP NET. education teachers Thailand

Lee Seung-Mi; Jung Hye-Won (eds.)

book eiu best case study series no.7

2062 Indigenous fallow management (IFM) in Southeast Asia : New research exploring the promise of farmer-generated technologies to stabilize and intensify stressed Swidden systems. fallow management Swidden system land use shifting cultivation

Cairns, Malcolm


2657 Indigenous forest tree species in Laguna. forest tree species botanical description phenology distribution uses wood properties ecology

Dayan, Maria DP.; Reaviles, Rosalinda S.; Bandian, Dolora B.

book denr recommends 15b

3119 Indigenous forest tree species in the province of Laguna. Dita Malabulak Supa Kalumpit Anang Tuai Rarang Balukanag Katong-Matsin Kubing-Dilau Anuping Tanghas Tapol Yabnob Lipote Tulibas-mabolo Duklitan Kalumpang Malabuho Baniti Yabnob Banuyo

Dayan, Maria dP.; Eusebio, Jerard Ancel D.; Flores, Arwin Gerard R.


1952 Indigenous vegetables in Tanzania: Significance and prospects. vegetables nutritional analysis consumers micronutrient contents iron zinc B-carotene minerals production marketing seed companies germplasm Tanzania

Weinberger, Katinka; Msuya, John

book technical bulletin no. 31

79 Indonesia economic policies for sustainable development. sustainable development Brantas River Basin economic policies trade policy population trends book

2246 Indonesia: Country gender assessment. gender situation analysis gender equity decentralization women politics decision making violence international migration migrant workers remittances

Asian Development Bank; Canadian International Development Agency; National Democratic Institute; World Bank; Asia Foundation


1816 Indonesian Distance Learning Network (IDLN). education distance learning book

592 Indonesian farming systems research and development: the food crop subsystem Farming systems Cropping systems Technology transfer book

1035 Indonesian marine capture fisheries Indonesia marine fisheries fisheries management costs processed fish marketing small-scale fisheries policies research

Bailey, C.; Dwiponggo, A.; Marahudin, F.
