List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
802 Hybrid cotton in India: A success story cotton seed production export seed industry seed processing certification

Basu, A.K.; Paroda, R.S.

book apaari publication 1995/1

725 Hybrid rice breeding manual Hybrid breeding rice heterosis breeding testcross nursery seed production

Virmani, S.S.; Viraktamath, B.C.; Casal, C.L.; Toledo, R.S.; Lopez, M.T.; Manalo, J.O.


2128 Hybrid rice for food security, poverty alleviation, and environment protection. hybrid rice plant breeding grain quality seed production heterosis biotechnology technology dissemination country reports

Virmani, S.S.; Mao, C.X.; Hardy, B. (eds.)


2126 Hybrid rice technology: new developments and future prospects : Selected papers from the International Rice Research Conference. hybrid rice plant breeding biotechnology yield nitrogen management irrigated rice plant diseases insect pests grain quality economic assessment seed industry CIRAD FAO IRRI Asia China Japan India Philippines Vietnam Indonesia Malaysia Thailand Korea Egypt United States Colombia Brazil

Virmani, S.S. (ed.)


930 Hybridisation techniques for acacias Acacia hybridization pollen collection

Sedgley, M.; Harbard, J.; Smith, R.M.

book aciar technical reports 20

1078 Hydrogen energy, Part A Energy sources Solar energy Hydrogen fuel Electric power Geothermal energy Electrolysis

T. Nejat Veziroglu


1077 Hydrogen energy, Part B. energy sources solar energy hydrogen fuel electric power metal hydrides ammonia

Nejat Veziroglu


2766 Hydrological analysis in support of irrigation management: A case study of Stung Chrey Bak catchment, Cambodia. irrigation management catchment hydrological analysis

Phalla, Chem; Hirsch, Philip; Paradis, Someth

book cdri working paper series no. 59

1304 Hypsipyla shoot borers in Meliaceae : Proceedings of an International Workshop held at Kandy, Sri Lanka, 20-23 August 1996. taxonomy biology ecology biological control integrated pest management silvicultural control chemical control pheromones plant resistance pesticides

Floyd, R.B.; Hauxwell, C. (eds.)

book aciar proceedings no.97

2057 ICRAF's strategy for domestication of non-wood tree products. non-wood tree products domestication germplasm tree improvement agroforestry trees genetic improvement

Simons, Anthony J.
