List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2361 Health enhancing foods: Country case studies of China and India. functional foods market evolution regulating functional foods labels application for certification food laws integrated value chain analysis soybean farming soy milk processing genetically modified functional foods China India

Ford, Kent; Konishi, Yasuo; Rajalahti, Riikka; Pehu, Eija

book agriculture and rural development discussion paper 32

2362 Health enhancing foods: Opportunities for strengthening the sector in developing countries. functional foods human health supply chain United States Japan Europe China India Brazil Peru Russia

Kotilainen, Liisa; Rajalahti, Riikka; Ragasa, Catherine; Pehu, Eija

book agriculture and rural development discussion paper 30

2035 Health impacts of diesel vehicle emissions: The case of Colombo. diesel-powered vehicles air pollution air quality management vehicular emissions sulfur dioxide nitrogen dioxide carbon monoxide particulate matter health damage diesel quality

Chandrasiri, Sunil


13177 Health management of milkfish Chanos chanos milkfish; Chanos chanos; diseases; hatchery; nursery; health management

Cruz-Lacierda, Erlinda R.; Estante, Erish G.; de Jesus-Ayson, Evelyn Grace T.; Corre, Jr., Valeriano L.


31 Health, population and development in Asia and the Pacific. population growth health policies population policies manpower development book

2605 Heart rot and root rot in tropical Acacia plantations: Proceedings of a workshop held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 7-9 February 2006. Acacia mangium plant diseases heart rot root rot mycology Basidiomycetes Ganoderma Trichoderma pruning thinning

Potter, Karina; Rimbawanto, Anto; Beadle, Chris (eds.)

book aciar proceedings no. 124

2314 Herbal medicine technoguide, Volume 1. medicinal plants diseases symptoms treatment plant production harvesting postharvest handling book

2502 Herbicides in Asian rice: Transitions in weed management. rice herbicides soil microbiology environment aquaculture integrated weed management bioherbicides genetic improvement biotechnology allelopathy weed management

Naylor, Rosamond (ed.)


713 Heterosis and hydrid rice breeding : Monographs on Theoretical and Applied Genetics 22. Oryza sativa Hybrids Genetics Heterosis Yield Root characteristics Grain quality Seed production Breeding

Virmani, S.S.


2685 Hibiscus hybrids and Philippines' women achievers. Hibiscus flowering plants uses propagation growing requirements pests and diseases hybrids

Magdalita, Pablito M.; Pimentel, Reynold B.
