List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
491 Guidebook for the development and production of the regional agroforestry technology information kit book

2480 Guidebook of biodiversity principles for developers and planners. forestry, wetlands, coastal areas, marine areas, farmlands, protected areas, agricultural areas, rural and urban areas, biosafety, genetically modified organizations, book

2187 Guidebook on environmental management system, pollution prevention / cleaner production and environmental cost accounting. environmental management system pollution prevention environmental cost accounting planning policy monitoring emergency preparedness cleaner production waste assessment profitability assessment book

1472 Guidebook on sustainable agricultural land use planning and management, Volume 4 : Guidebook on sustainable land use planning and management. Guidebook on sustainable land use planning and management. land use planning agriculture agricultural lands land tenure soil conservation maps soil requirements climatic requirements land classification Philippines book sustainable development series

1495 Guidebook on sustainable coastal land use planning and management, Volume 2 : Guidebook on sustainable land use planning and management. Guidebook on sustainable land use planning and management. land use planning coastal zone planning coastal municipalities Philippines book sustainable development series

1474 Guidebook on sustainable forest land use planning and management, Volume 3 : Guidebook on sustainable land use planning and management. Guidebook on sustainable land use planning and management. land use planning forest policies soil conservation planning information gathering watershed protected areas watershed forest reserves ancestral domain claims ancestral land claims book sustainable development series

939 Guidebook on the phenology and identification of Philippine mangrove species Philippines species mangrove climatic map scientific names

Palis, Honorato, G.; Lat, Celia A.; Alcantara, Bernadette S.


1321 Guidelines for applying multi-criteria analysis to the assessment of criteria and indicators. forest management data collection indicators

Mendoza, Guillermo A.; et al.

book 9 - the criteria and indicators toolbox series

3018 Guidelines for climate proofing investment in agriculture, rural development, and food security. climate change adaptation; agriculture; climate proofing; rural development; food security; vulnerability; adaptation assessment; monitoring and evaluation; impact assessment; policies book

3100 Guidelines for climate proofing investment in the energy sector. energy sector adaptation engineering energy investment projects policy implications national policy policies book