List of Books : 3864

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
45 Guidelines for integrated regional economic-cum-environmental development planning: A review of regional environmental development planning studies in Asia. A review of regional environmental development planning studies in Asia. Laguna Lake Basin environmental planning water quality industrial wastes environmental improvement pollution control book adb environment paper no.3

2637 Guidelines for knowledge partnerships. knowledge partnerships knowledge management social networks Asian Development Bank book

2684 Guidelines for maximizing biodiversity on golf courses. biodiversity golf courses water conservation water quality chemicals species management habitat management conservation ethics

MacKinnon, John R.; Patulot, Ma. Cheryll M.


2843 Guidelines for planning and implementation of watershed development program in India: A review. watershed development monitoring and evaluation community participation capacity building

Raju, K.V.; Abdul Aziz; Meenakshi Sundaram, S.S.; Sekher, M.; Wani, S.P.; Sreedevi, T.K.

book global theme on agroecosystems report no. 48

2151 Guidelines for surveillance for plant pests in Asia and the Pacific. pests of plants surveying monitoring surveys surveillance reporting case studies

McMaugh, Teresa


39 Guidelines for the health impact assessment of development projects. health impact health hazard health risk management malnutrition impact assessment book adb environment paper no.11

2892 Guidelines for watershed management and development in the Philippines. watershed management watershed degradation resource utilization watershed resource accounting valuation land use planning biophysical watershed characterization socio-economic watershed characterization book book series no. 166-a

1833 Habitat agenda and Istanbul declaration : Second United Nations Conference on Human Settlements, Istanbul, Turkey, 3-14 June 1996. human settlements poverty employment capacity building urban economies transport system communication system shelter book

1009 Haemorrhagic septicaemia animal diseases pathology Haemorrhagic septicaemia epidemiology diagnosis vaccination programs treatment

De Alwis, M.C.L.

book aciar monograph no.57

2138 Handbook for incorporation of integrated pest management in agricultural projects. integrated pest management pest control pesticides benefits project cycle book