ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
16633 | How modern is Philippine agriculture and fisheries? The Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act after a quarter century | agricultural modernization; market-orientation; industrial policy; farmer welfare; food security; sustainable development; value chains; agricultural technology; innovations; agri-enterprise; technological change; structural transformation; environmental protection; food supply; profits; income; Philippines | Briones, Roehlano M. |
book |
1479 | How participatory is participatory development: a review of the Philippine experience. | Philippines cooperatives development Samahang Nayon group farming masagana 99 agricultural production labor relation people participation rural organizations social development community organization upland development | Castillo, Gelia T. |
book |
16539 | How social networks influence access and utilization of weather and climate information: The case of upland farming communities in the Philippines | social networks; weather and climate information; farm decisions | Tabuga, Aubrey D.; Umlas, Anna Jennifer L.; Zuluaga, Katrina Mae C.; Domingo, Sonny N. |
book | research paper series no. 2023-03 |
452 | How third world rural households adapt to dietary energy stress: the evidence and the issues | Stress Time Biological response Behavioral response | Payne, P.; Lipton, M. |
book | ifpri food policy review no.2 |
1357 | How to assess environmental impacts on tropical islands and coastal areas : South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) training manual. | South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) training manual. | environmental impact analysis monitoring risk assessment | Carpenter, Richard A.; Maragos, James E. |
book |
1778 | How to increase survival of outplanted trees. | tree nursery, seedbed preparation, seedbox, seedling pots, fertilizer application, planting, spacing, seedlings, | book |
1459 | How to make Queso de Piña. | cheese food pineapple | Davide, Clara L. |
book | techguide series no.34 |
1214 | How to read a balance sheet. | accounting liabilities balance sheet | book |
1555 | How to unravel and solve soil fertility problems. | soil fertility chemical elements pot experiments field experiments soil testing | Asher, Colin; Grundon, Noel; Menzies, Neal |
book | aciar monograph no. 83 |
2087 | Human behavior at work: Organizational behavior. | organizational behavior leadership communication group dynamics appraising performance informal organizations | Davis, Keith |
book |