List of Books : 3873

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1930 Handbook of vermicompost and vermimeal production and utilization. earthworms vermicomposting vermimeal economic analysis site selection packaging production backyard composting amino acids African Nightcrawler

Guerrero, R.D. III


920 Handbook on community profiling: For people-oriented forestry projects data gathering sketch mapping report writing book

1424 Handbook on community training programs: For Participatory ISF (Integrated Social Forestry) agroforestry soil and water conservation community development community organizing education training cycle training methodologies upland development Philippines book

658 Handbook on environmental aspects of fertilizer use fertilizers soil fertility animal health wood quality water quality energy forage crops book

13121 Handbook on erect bamboo species found in the Philippines bamboo, species; genera; Philippines

Roxas, Cristina A.


2898 Handbook on integrated community development: Seven D Approach to community capacity development. integrated community development capacity development participatory rural appraisal Kaizen project cycle management knowledge management

Dhamotharan, Mohan


126 Handbook on local economic promotion in the Philippines local economic promotion land use planning investment environment marketing activity promotional activity human resources development incentive schemes organizational approach economic development local government Philippines

Legaspi, P.E.; Albania, N.A.; Cordero, R.R.


2829 Handbook on rice policy for Asia. rice policies South Asia East Asia Southeast Asia

Tobias, A.; Molina, I.; Valera, H.G.; Mottaleb, K.A.; Mohanty, S.


1768 Handbook on the use of pesticides in the Asia-Pacific region. pest control plant resistance chemical control integrated pest management pesticides regulatory systems hazards health toxic properties book

2652 Hanging in the balance: Equity in community-based natural resource management in Asia. community-based resource management poverty reduction community forest management cash crops livelihoods community mangrove management Cambodia China India Lao PDR Vietnam Nepal Thailand

Mahanty, Sango; Fox, Jefferson; Nurse, Michael; Stephen, Peter; McLees, Leslie (eds.)
