List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2486 Groundnut in China: A success story. groundnut cultivation soil amendment soil texture tillage fertilizer application organic fertilizers sowing growth regulators drought resistance polythene mulching

Duan Shufen; Hu Wenguang; Sui Qingwei


268 Group Farming in Asia and the Pacific Cooperative farming agricultural development land improvement farming machines book

2023 Growing cities, growing food: Urban agriculture on the policy agenda urban agriculture food security nutrition health policy book

13640 Growing greener cities in Africa urban; peri-urban; horticulture; poverty; climate change book

2899 Growing healthy sweetpotato: Best practices for producing planting material. sweet potato tissue culture heat therapy meristem culture viruses ELISA preservation mass propagation

Dennien, Sandra; Homare, Dorcas; Hughes, Michael; Lovatt, Jerry; Coleman, Eric; Jackson, Grahame

book aciar monograph no. 153

2733 Growing trees on salt-affected land. saline soils salinity tree growing eucalyptus

Corbishley, James; Pearce, David

book impact assessment series 51

221 Growth of the food processing industry in Asia and the Pacific Food processing industry market structure trade performance food processing technology Asia book

341 Growth triangles: conceptual issues and operational problems Policies economic zones infrastructure development costs and benefits

Min Thang; Myo Thant

book adb economic staff paper number 54

3072 Growth with resilience: Opportunities in African agriculture. Sub-saharan Africa food security food security challenges Green Growth food price volatility Biofortification book

821 Growth, production and distribution of spices spice crops plant production crop management uses postharvest technology exports imports cardamon chillies cinnamon cassia cloves ginger nutmeg pepper pimento saffron turmeric vanilla

Vinning, Grant

book aciar working paper no.27