ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
39 | Guidelines for the health impact assessment of development projects. | health impact health hazard health risk management malnutrition impact assessment | book | adb environment paper no.11 |
2892 | Guidelines for watershed management and development in the Philippines. | watershed management watershed degradation resource utilization watershed resource accounting valuation land use planning biophysical watershed characterization socio-economic watershed characterization | book | book series no. 166-a |
1833 | Habitat agenda and Istanbul declaration : Second United Nations Conference on Human Settlements, Istanbul, Turkey, 3-14 June 1996. | human settlements poverty employment capacity building urban economies transport system communication system shelter | book |
1009 | Haemorrhagic septicaemia | animal diseases pathology Haemorrhagic septicaemia epidemiology diagnosis vaccination programs treatment | De Alwis, M.C.L. |
book | aciar monograph no.57 |
16691 | Halal industry: Animal slaughtering | Halal industry; animal slaughtering; animal behavior | Hashim, Dzulkifly Mat; Rahman, Russly A.; Sazili, Awis Qurni Sazili; Azmi, Aida Azrina; Safferi, Shahida Aisha |
book |
2138 | Handbook for incorporation of integrated pest management in agricultural projects. | integrated pest management pest control pesticides benefits project cycle | book |
1786 | Handbook for protected area rangers and field officers. | rangers health first aid safety field operations map reading biodiversity monitoring fire prevention pollution prevention malaria cholera dengue fever diarrhea hepatitis typhoid fever heat stroke hypothermia food poisoning | Simpson, S.; Bugna, S. |
book | essentials of protected area management in the philippines, vol. 6 |
1785 | Handbook for the establishment and management of integrated protected area sub-funds. | funds taxes fines fees income endowments royalties administrative order | Bacudo, I.; Aglionby, J.; Rambaldi, G.; Matsuura, P.; Blastique, T. |
book | essentials of protected area management in the philippines, vol. 10 |
294 | Handbook of natural resource and energy economics, Volume 1 | welfare economics bioeconomics environment renewable resource use policy environmental economics | Kneese, Allen V.; Sweeney, James L. (eds.) |
book | handbooks in economics no.6 |
293 | Handbook of natural resource and energy economics, Volume 2 | renewable resources land resources fisheries management economics outdoor recreation | Kneese, A.V.; Sweeney, J.L. (eds.) |
book | handbooks in economics 6 |