List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
964 Grazing animals : Disciplinary approach. grazing systems pasture plant nutrient cycling nutritional value grazing behaviour semi-arid pastures uses rangelands energy protein forage crops book world animal science, b1

103 Grazing on barren fields: The Philippine Carabao Industry under a slaughter ban household economy carabao industry slaughter rate

Cabanilla, L.S.; de Guzman, P.G.; Nguyen, M.R.

book ispps working paper no.98-12

2960 Great Barrier Reef: Climate change adaptation strategy and action plan (2012-2017). climate change; coral reef; adaptation book

2204 Green justice: A compilation of selected Philippine environmental laws. environmental laws presidential decree forestry code wood processing log production and processing reforestation forest protection environmental protection human rights threatened species wildlife resources caves fisheries aquatic resources indigenous people mining protected areas book

2644 Green justice: A handbook on selected Philippine environmental laws, regulations and cases. biodiversity judiciary environmental protection environmental laws forestry fisheries mining indigenous peoples protected areas wildlife book

820 Green manure production systems for Asian ricelands : Selected papers from the International Rice Research Conference. green manures production rice fields rainfed farming nutrient management seed production crop establishment Asia

Ladha, J.K.; Garrity, D.P. (eds.)


2678 Greenhouse gas emissions: Estimation and reduction. greenhouse gas emissions carbon dioxide climate change

Saxena, Anil Kumar


2971 Greenhouse gases and sustainable animal agriculture for developing countries. greenhouse gases tea waste methane production Ongole crossbed cattle tannins rumen fermentation protozoa biogas enteric methane

Tomoyuki Kawashima


13639 Greening the economy with climate-smart agriculture greening economy; agriculture; food security; climate change; resilience

Meybeck, Alexandre; Gitz, Vincent


15756 Grounding science communication: Experiences and lessons from the Biotechnology Information Center (BIC) in the Philippines science communication; collaborators; networks; stakeholders; information center; biotechnology; genetically modified organisms

Tababa, Sonny P.; Calumpang, Lorna M.; Lapitan, Rochella B.; Baracol, Dione C.
